Gen-Ex Cargo was established by a group of Hong Kong based entrepreneurs. It provides total transportation services covering air, sea and land freight.
九龍紅磡,紅磡灣中心, 紅磡灣街地鋪25號 Tel.23030773
Paisano's is a real NY Style Pizzeria. Family owned, we introduced the 24” Pizza to Hong Kong as well as Pizza by the Slice.
A Halal Kebab House serving excellent Turkish food. Come and taste the difference.
O'slee的護膚品,成份著重天然,務求令每位女性都享受到大自然給肌膚的呵護; 揉合先進科技,進一步提升護膚品功效,O'slee ─ 令每位女性盡顯智慧,流露自然美。
❀ 天然同時護膚 ❀ 使用手製天然護膚品, 能令肌膚得到公主般的最自然呵護, 回復肌膚粉嫩美態。
We are presenting to you a variety of fine Chinese herbal teas that are made from the finest herbs with our exclusive and long-effective prescriptions.
荃灣寵物醫院 荃灣沙咀道168號地下 電話: 25730028 診症時間: 星期一至日 早上10時至晚上10時 敬請電話預約