W Hub unites Start-Ups and Talent. W Hub allows Start-Ups to showcase who they are and what they do via a profile-driven platform and attract Talent.
CoCoon (浩觀) 是一個位於香港中心地段的14,000 平方尺創意共有工作空間。CoCoon is a 14,000 square feet creative coworking space in the middle of Hong Kong. http://www.hkcocoon.org
香港都市繁忙,大家都為生活而奔波勞碌,媽媽有見及此,就為大家製作純天然無添加皇牌產品-冰糖燉檸檬。每朝飲一杯,為自己每天加油。全心全意全人手製作,真。香港製造。 真。新鮮。
Vlexshop aim at bringing trusted and high quality products at competitive prices to your door.
Music Instrument Retailer
TOCO TALENTS LTD. – New music company providing a unique set of services for artists seeking success across Asia.
GIA證書鑽石、鑽戒及鑽飾 度身訂造 求婚戒指,結婚對戒 以遠低於零售品牌的價錢購買與大行相同品質的鑽石。GIA鑽石鑑証師提供專業意見,款式齊全。