W Hub unites Start-Ups and Talent. W Hub allows Start-Ups to showcase who they are and what they do via a profile-driven platform and attract Talent.
CoCoon (浩觀) 是一個位於香港中心地段的14,000 平方尺創意共有工作空間。CoCoon is a 14,000 square feet creative coworking space in the middle of Hong Kong. http://www.hkcocoon.org
Playgroup,Phonics,Cambridge (歡迎試堂, 請致電留名)。另外有其他課程適合3-8歲的小朋友, 皇牌英語課程由外籍老師主教
Jewelries made from Sterling Silver 925,High Quality White/Gold/Rose Gold plated & Gold. With Austrian Crystals,Swarovski,Cubic Zirconia Stone and more.
ARCHETYPAL* is committed to creating a platform for design-led products and to providing unrivalled services to the local Asian market.
A cool retail concept - a shop within a shop - based at Mirth, Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang
- 主打 100% 韓國製造服裝 - 店主每月定期飛韓國 - 地址 新界屯門啟豐商場1樓39號舖 - 歡迎Inbox或whatapp:98212122 /92100736 - 本店選用順豐到付服務
www.biketrialstation.com 歡 迎 世 界 各 地 朋 友 來 到 跳 車 站 官 方 Facebook !Welcome to the official BTS Facebook page created especially for all BTS fans around the world.
Connor is a global sourcing company providing services to leading retailers and brands. www.weconnor.com
Toy-wave is an on line hobby shop in Hong Kong since 2002. We provide Retail and wholesale service to toy lover all over the world. :)