A Local Micro Roaster offer seasonal direct trade coffee beans, fresh roasting and different brewing methods to present better sensory experience
香港神託會沙角青少年中心主要向兒童及青少年提供興趣班、小組、活動、義工隊及中學到校服務等。 Stewards is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee.
Hindra & Nani are touching you through counselling, prayer, mentoring, and fellowship (Doulos-14 Fellowship)
香港專業教育學院(屯門)扶輪青年服務團隸屬國際扶輪3450地區 (香港、澳門、蒙古國、中華人民共和國廣東省) ,為九龍東北扶輪社轄下之扶青團。
錦達科技亞洲有限公司 Comtec Technology Asia LTD
所有貨品可郵寄和到舖頭取貨,如郵寄滿600元可免郵費,大約二至三天就可到。如想hold 貨到舖睇實物也可,請inbox通知就可以了。
XPower Hong Kong為用家帶來最新,最快,最高質素的手機配件,快充配件,外置電池,充電線,充電器。歡迎批發零售
We work and communicate as a team..To help each one another..and to fullfill our goals in life..ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE..up to the next level...