SUCRE: Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants
Facebook Page of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partneship Programme: Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants (S.U.C.RE.) S.U.C.RE.: Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants (ΚΑ2 Strategic Partnership) approved from the National Agency with AUTh as Coordinator
S.U.C.RE. Programme focuses on the processes that are required for the proper integration of refugees / migrants in Higher Education, as well as for the support of their academic needs after their integration.
In addition to this, this program focuses on the psychosocial integration / support of refugees / migrants and the proper information provided to them on legal and medical issues. This program aims to create educational material that will be used properly by trainers for the above purposes.
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facebook.comMigrants and refugees fleeing armed conflict, persecution or severe economic hardship are being held and sold as slaves - we need to change European border politics
The Global Public Policy Institute just organized a conference in Cologne regarding academic freedom and political repression in the University sector - with Scholars at Risk Network as partner. S.U.C.RE. member were also presenting activities and outputs of the S.U.C.RE. project. Congrats to the successfull conference!
On 26th of October 2017, Mariana Arjona-Soberan (University of Cologne) and Marinus Kool (VU Amsterdam) attended the Round Table organized by ERN+. The discussion was on "Developing Higher Education Student Scholarship Prgrammes as a Pathway of Admission to Europe" and took place in The Hague, The Netherlands with over 30 attendees from UNCR, IOM, European universities and NGO’s. See also the European Resettlement Network ERN + on
Thanks to all participants, speaker, and guests for contributing to the vivid discussions and providing valuable input by which you made our S.U.C.RE. Multiplier Event a great success! We hope to further collaborate with all of you on the important issue of refugees and higher education in the future
S.U.C.RE. Project on the EUA's Refugees Welcome Map The European University Association with the Refugees Welcome Map aims to showcase and document the commitment of higher education institutions and organisations in supporting refugees.
What is a Refugee? Necessary knowledge provided by the UNHCR
The S.U.C.RE team from Cologne and Amsterdam are working on IO3 ('Hosting Refugee Scholars') and has received now 60+ responses from higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe on their questionnaire. Of those, 42 HEIs are hosting / have hosted about 120 scholars in the last 4 - 5 years. The 18 HEIs not yet hosting are showing a keen interest in the outcomes of the questionnaire. More information can be obtained from Johannes Mueller in Cologne and Marinus Kool in Amsterdam. See also: Scholars at Risk Network (
Our 1st Multiplier Event hosted by the University of Cologne is taking place on the 27th of September 2017. You can have a look at the final schedule below. If you are an interested stakeholder you can always contact us at . We will soon be able to publish our newsletter with the results of the first year project's activities; we will also upload on our website the discussions and presentations of the multiplier event and the interim meeting.
Live on BBC!! @WDRforyou holds a discussion in Germany about the situation of Syrian refugees in Europe
S.U.C.RE. first Multiplier Event in Cologne - University of Cologne, Germany 27/09/2017. You can check the draft agenda and flyer at the link below.
How are people supposed to claim asylum? In Europe, asylum is based on an inherent contradiction; people are expected to arrive spontaneously in Europe, yet border management means the only means to do so is “illegal” entry. It is this paradox that underlies the smuggling industry, the chaos at Europe’s border, and the loss of life in the Mediterranean. Europe’s current proposals do nothing to address this.