Dog Training - Puppy Training - Dog Sports - Protection Dogs - Boarding Facilities Η εκπαίδευση σκύλων είναι το πιο σημαντικό δώρο που μπορείτε να κάνετε στον εαυτό σας και τον τετράποδο φίλο σας. Μέσα από τη θετική εκπαίδευση, θα μάθετε να επικοινωνείτε με το σκύλο σας, θα καταλάβετε καλύτερα τις ανάγκες του, θα εξασκήσετε το σώμα και το μυαλό του, και θα περνάτε ποιοτικό χρόνο μαζί. Αν καλύψετε τις βασικές ανάγκες του για ασφάλεια, τροφή, υγεία και άσκηση, και σε αυτά προσθέσετε την εκπαίδευση του, τότε θα έχετε βάλει γερά θεμέλια για μια αρμονική συμβίωση, χωρίς προβλήματα.
Dog training is the most important gift you can give yourself and your four-legged friend. Through the positive training you will learn to communicate with your dog , you will better understand their needs, will practice body and mind, and spend quality time together. If you meet the basic needs for security, food, health and exercise, and these add to the training , then you put a solid foundation for an harmonious coexistence , without problems.
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facebook.comChrisa, Lufy and Judo!!! 😇😇😇 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #train_your_dog #love_your_dog #friends #dog_training #instadogs #😇
Lufy_love!!!... 😍😍😍 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #instadogs #dogs_of_instagram #puppies #instalove #only_love #love_your_dog #train_your_dog #love_me_like_you_do #😇
Holy and little Eva!!!... 😍😍😍 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #you_and_me #love_your_dog #love_you_to_the_moon_and_back #love_me_like_you_do #strays #unlimited_stray_love #puppy_training #dog_training #children_and_dogs #instastrays
The amazing thing about having a dog is even though neither of you speak the same language, you develop this deep connection that you will never have with a human... Just like Greis and Angela!!! 😍😍😍 #smart_paws #true_love #malinois_power #malinois #instamalinois #instadogs #dogs_of_instagram #k9 #canines #hugs #you_and_me #love_your_dog #love_you_to_the_moon_and_back #love_me_like_you_do #power
Don't wanna stop today!!! 💪💪💪 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #gsd #play_with_your_dog #play_time #you_and_me #yolo #never_stop #happy_hour #love_your_dog #love_you_to_the_moon_and_back
Muffin and Mousitsa!!! 😇😇😇 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #unlimited_stray_love #shihtzu #dog_training #puppy_training #train_your_dog #love_your_dog #fridaynight #friends #yolo
Moly and her daddy!!!... 😍😍😍 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #dogs_of_instagram #instadogs #pitbulls #pitbulls_of_instagram #train_your_dog #puppy_training #dog_training #you_and_me
😂😍😂😍😂 Because a real working dog always needs a towel after swimming!!! 😂😍😂😍😂 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #belgian_shepherd #malinois #malinois_power #instadogs #instamalinois #malinoisofinstagram #sea #relaxing #love_your_dog #you_and_me #yolo #swimming #working_dogs #happy_hour
Bullet!!!... 💣💣💣 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #gsd #working_dogs #power_dogs #happy_hour #sea #sun #yolo #you_and_me #love_your_dog #love_you_to_the_moon_and_back
This is Aizak of Smart Paws Greece!!!... 😇😇😇 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #puppy #malinois_power #malinois #instamalinois #instadogs #k9 #k9_wolf #working_dogs #ipreferdogs #belgian_shepherd #canines #happy_hour #sea #sun #love_you_to_the_moon_and_back
Ektoras 😍😍😍 #smart_paws #canun_pet_food #gsd #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #instadogs #instagsd #puppy_training #train_your_dog #love_your_dog #dog_training #dogs_of_instagram