Theologisches Seminar Elstal (Fachhochschule)
Impressum des Theologischen Seminars Elstal (Fachhochschule): Das Theologische Seminar Elstal (Fachhochschule) bietet ein biblisch fundiertes, wissenschaftlich reflektiertes und gemeindebezogenes Studium der Evangelischen Theologie sowie der Freikirchlichen Diakonie an.
The Theological Seminary at Elstal is the theological college of the Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany. Our approach is biblically-based, practically orientated, and scientifically well founded. Our denominational heritage is open to all in the evangelical tradition.
Elstal continues a rich tradition as one of the oldest evangelical theological schools in Europe, founded by Johann G. Oncken and formerly located in Hamburg. The Seminary at Elstal maintains an excellent library that includes archives and numerous periodical subscriptions. The Seminary has cordial relations with the Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany, whose offices are located on the campus.