THE #1 SOLARIUM! This Facebook page is maintained by JK-International GmbH. Electronic contact:
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La Sol Zonnecentrum
Ergoline arround the world! Beautiful "La Sol Zonnecentrum" in Alkmaar (Amsterdam). Ergoline on YouTube:
IHK Koblenz
Unsere Auszubildenden nehmen mit einen Kurzvideo am Azubi Adventskalender der IHK Koblenz teil. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn ihr das Video auf der Facebookseite der IHK Koblenz liked und teilt. Es gibt für die Azubis was zu gewinnen :) Danke! ***************************************************************** Our apprentices did a short video to present their job on the Facebook page of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Please do our apprentices a favour and like their video on the page linked below :) Thank you! LINK:
It’s About Balance: Vitamin D
As temperatures drop and we all start spending more time inside the effects of Vitamin D deficiency become more apparent for many of us. Unless you are lucky enough to live in a state where you can enjoy a balanced bit of sunshine year round then it is likely that you have already started to experience some of the unwelcome changes that occur when the body starts to product less Vitamin D. [ 341 more words ]
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Good > Perfect
Good > Perfect If you are anything like me, your days are ruled by performance driven, Type-A perfectionism: that means you are easily annoyed when small details of a plan go awry. No matter how successful a strategy or accomplishment, I am inevitably reviewing the minor details after the fact, looking for areas to improvement. A perfect example comes in the form of a recent event that was held for a large group at a dinner meeting. [ 506 more words ]
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Ergoline & Miss Universe Germany @ INLINE Fitness Kongress.
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Sunrise at Ergoline! #Ergoline #Sunrise #ErgolineWorld #LoveErgoline #Beautiful #Clouds #Windhagen
10. Europäischer Fachkongress Solarien und Besonnung
Vielen Dank an die vielen Besucher des 10. Europäischen Fachkongress Solarien und Besonnung am 29. Oktober 2016 im Phantsialand. Tolle Referenten, tolle Location und vor allem tolle Gäste! Wir sind der Meinung: Jeder Solarienbetreiber sollte Mitglied im Bundesfachverband sein - denn nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. Weitere Infos zum BfB gibt es auf der Facebookseite: und natürlich im Netz: Foto Credits: © Bundesfachverband Besonnung; Fotograf: Jannes Schilling