Wiesbaden Tang Soo Do
Welcome to the Wiesbaden Tang Soo Do club! A traditional Korean martial art, Tang Soo Do offers health, fitness, and self defense. Welcome to the Wiesbaden Tang Soo Do club! A traditional Korean martian art, Tang Soo Do offers health, fitness, and self defense. We study under the auspices of the World Tang Soo Do Association (WTSDA) and Grandmaster Robert E. Beaudoin.
We meet from 1800 to 1915 Monday in the Mind Body Room, upstairs at the Fitness Center; 1800 to 1915 on Wednesday in Room 1c, upstairs at the Fitness Center; and from 1030 to 1200 on Saturday, in the gym annex across the street from the Fitness Center, to take advantage of the wonderful wrestling mats and the heavy bag.
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We had an great clinic in Wiesbaden this weekend. Yesterday was forms and weapons, and today we focused on one steps and sparring. As always, great training and camaraderie with with all the Black Belts and Gypsy.
Dojo Bassai Karate-Do, club de karate France-Shotokan à Marseille -- Lexique
Here are some .gif of Funakoshi's throws. As you look at these, think of the Pyung Ahn forms, especially Oh Dan. http://seishin.dojo.free.fr/PAGES/LEXIQUE/nage-waza.html
Great Big Story
Korean sword making.
Gracie Breakdown
We talked about some chokes a few days ago. This is a nice, quick video that shows several of them. It's not our first go-to technique - Tang Soo Do is based on striking, on hitting really hard - but chokes are valid techniques nonetheless.
Heian Nidan Looping Flow Drill
Another variation of the Pyung Ahn Ee Dan drill we used in class.
Fighting HQ
Take a look at this video. This is sporting karate, not self defense, but watch the throws and think about the principles we discussed in class.
Mr. Abernethy recently requested questions for an end of year podcast. Since I posted ten of his podcasts that I recommended for students, I asked him which of his podcasts he would recommend for students learning about forms - i.e. all of us. He initially recommended the following. The Keys to Understanding Kata (10 years old, but still a good one). Kata: Why Bother? What is Kata? How a Kata Records a Style. My Stance on Stances The Masters Speak Kata – Dead or Alive
Mr A Regionals Knife form 2011.MOV
Beautiful execution of Dan Gum Il Bu. https://youtu.be/lKtjw9x5VzI
Martial Artist
Video fight bouncer knockout - Google-Suche
Some sloppy, useless punches, and one good punch. Watch the bouncer's stance.
The Case for Kihon | Iain Abernethy
Hate line drills? Read this. https://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/article/case-kihon
Riots and mob violence - Kris Wilder
From Kris Wilder, on riots and mob violence. http://kriswilder.com/riots-and-mob-violence/