To whom much is given much is required.
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facebook.comPhilipipans 4:19 19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. God has promised to supply all our needs, yet fulfillment is sometimes slow in coming. What could be the problem? Perhaps we are. When our Father fails to meet our expectations, we generally look outside ourselves for the reason. But while God’s love is unconditional, many of His promises are not. For example, Philippians 4:19 is a “family promise”—it can be claimed only by those who rightly call the Sovereign of the universe “Father.” His unlimited resources are not available to men and women who reject salvation through Jesus Christ. Moreover, when we look at the whole framework of Scripture, we see that the Lord makes obedience a condition for fulfilling our needs. (Psalm 81:10-12.) He will not condone sin by blessing us while we rebel against Him. Think of yourself as part of an army at war—which is what you are, in a spiritual sense. A top military priority is to keep the supply line open, as victory is impossible if the soldiers are weaponless, cold, and starving. Our willful disobedience allows Satan to cut our supply line from the Lord. Restoring that connection is a matter of repentance. Those who walk in God’s way are protected, provided for, and satisfied (Psalm 81:13-16). Taking a promise out of its biblical context is very dangerous. And expecting God to keep a conditional pledge when we aren’t meeting its requirements is even more unwise. The heavenly Father keeps His word but rightfully expects us to do our part. Thankfully, His expectations of us are not burdensome but reasonable: What He requires is that we simply love, honor, and obey Him.
How to Know God’s Will Proverbs 3:5-6 - 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Sadly, we frequently fool ourselves into believing that what we want to do is also what God wants us to do. Therefore, when we believe we have heard from the Lord, it is quite important for us to ask some serious questions. Is it consistent with the Word of God? God will never tell you to do something that goes against His perfect, unchanging Word. If you feel called to do something contrary to Scripture, you can be certain that it is not the Lord who is urging you to do so. Can you confidently ask God to enable you to do this? If you are feeling uneasy about requesting God’s help and empowerment, that may be a sign the direction did not originate with Him. We must never be ashamed to call upon the Lord’s power in the endeavors He sets before us. Is it wise? The heavenly Father never calls us to act foolishly. Therefore, if there is no discernible purpose in the action, you may need to question whether the message was from Him. Does it fit with your identity in Christ? We are God’s children, who are being conformed day by day into the likeness of Christ. If you feel led to do something that goes against the image of Jesus in your life, then you can be sure God hasn’t called you to do it. The Lord has not left us in a void without help. He is here with us, in the presence of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to hear His voice and perceive His guidance in our life. Before rushing into action, be sure that you have heard Him correctly.
Deuteronomy 4:9 9. "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons." The most valuable "possession" believers can leave to family and friends is faith in Jesus Christ. While everyone must choose to trust in the Savior for him/herself, Christians can and should share key biblical truths with loved ones. Why wait to start sharing your faith? Each day offers new opportunities to speak of our Savior. Think about the people to whom you could pass along this precious possession.
"The Character of a Good Soldier" 2 Timothy 2:1-3 1. You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
Padre PIO, Saint PIO, pray for us, amen
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Homework for this week 18.9.2016
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