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Defensive Tactics

Hammerstein 23, Werl, Germany



Defensive Tactics Instructor Manfred Meisterjahn from Germany !  EST defensive tactics are not the same as regular self-defense or martial arts.

The role of defensive tactics in law and security enforcement is to assist the officer in performance of arrest and restraint, and to increase the margin of safety for both the officer and the opponent.

Defensive tactics charge the officer with protecting others as well as themselves. The definition of "defend" as used here is neither punitive nor passive, but instead "to repel danger or harm while serving and protecting."

Meanwhile, self-defense encompasses any and all means of protecting oneself. Self-defense techniques are not meant to apprehend an assailant. Indeed, there is no regard for the safety of the attacker whatsoever. So obviously self-defense and defensive tactics are not comparable.

I offer training courses to law enforcement, security enforcement and other groups who search for a good defensive tactics system!

The EST concept ( EST = Eingreif- und Sicherungstechniken/ German for Intervention and Secure Tactics )

After running this business for almost 20 years I can look back on lots of valuable expierences.

The next step is to share these with other companies and also interested individuals abroad.

I offer different kinds of training events, workshops and seminars where I pass on my knowledge, skills and practical exercises.


Inhaber der Website:

Manfred Meisterjahn
Hammerstein 23
59457 Werl

Telefon : 02922 / 80 30 169

Mobil : 0171 / 5275616

email :

Steuernummer : 343/5089/2140

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