Kasfero Naturmedizin UK - Herbal drops for thyroid gland
Kasfero Naturmedizin®
Herbal drops for thyroid
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Free counseling center The basic of our natural products are healing herbs, treated by our original and world-unique recipes that we have been working on for the past 23 years. The products are made in different types, depending on the classification of application. Prerequisite for positive results with our products is a careful and disciplined abidance by the instructions that go with the corresponding product.Natural substances that are used for making our products are in accordance with the legal regulative, registrated in Serbia and countries of EU.In Germany, our products are classified as homeopathic medicines, under the law 38, Law of registration of medicines and permit of marketing said medicines.
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For regulation of the thyroid under the influence of Hypothyroidism with Hashimoto’s – HYPO SOLVESTOR TT6 200© This product is recommended under the terms of general use as a general addition for regulation of the thyroid gland under the function of Hypothyroidism, and with imbalance of metabolism processes, lowered function of the thyroid and when diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis) is auto-immune disease in which the cells of the immune system attack the healthy tissue of the gland. The causes of Hashimoto’s are auto-antibodies that lead to a specific immunologic and inflammatory reaction the thyroid that cause tissue damage and manifest this disease. Those are most often the antibodies of TPO (thyroid peroxidase) or anti-thyroglobulin. It leads to the chronic inflammation the thyroid, which is caused by the wrongly directed immunologic process where the tissue of the thyroid is destroyed by T-lymphocytes, and with that the thyroid becomes hypo echogenic. It leads to Hypothyroidism. Clinically it is shown as atrophic thyroiditis or hypertrophic form with goiter. The function of the thyroid can be different depending on the phase of the disease. General symptoms of this disease are very slow, sometimes unnoticeable, starting with the enlargement of the thyroid that is usually noticed during regular check-ups. When the symptoms overrun the body, the patients usually feel exhausted, sluggishness, they move and speak slowly, they become forgetful, can’t stand the cold, feel sleepy, without will and have concentration problems. Often they also gain weight, feel less appetite, have slowed peristalsis and constipation. The skin is dry and pale. Heart rhythm is slowed. There is also muscular weakness and pain. Menstrual disorders are often with women, and lowered sexual function is noticeable with men. HYPO SOLVESTOR TT6 200©- for regulation therapy of the thyroid in cases of Hypothyroidism. http://kasfero.info/ http://kasfero.info/hypo-solvestor-tt6-200-8/
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The thyroid has a very important and complex function in our body and under its jurisdiction falls the maintenance of the metabolism of cells, absorption of glucose, synthesis of proteins, frequency of heart activity and with it blood circulation, and many other things besides that. Based on that, this gland is directly responsible for regular physical and mental development and state of the body. KASFERO NATURMEDIZIN ® - our herbal drops have been specialized for battle against thyroid diseases. One of our ingredients is JUGLANS REGIA – WALNUT. Walnut as a natural cure is the symbol of intellectual strength because inside the hard exterior, similar to a skull, it has a winding shape of the fruit that resembles a brain. The fruit of walnuts are rich with OMEGA-3 acids that are necessary for healthy brain function. It has beneficial effects on the most important organ of the human organism that makes us what we are and 24 hours a day controls our body and mind. Green walnuts are rich with the main building elements of the thyroid hormones -Iodine and Tyrosine. They contain a lot of vitamin C and are most often recommended for treatment of the thyroid. These nuts are a powerful source of energy and are rich with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Regular consummation of walnuts raises the levels of good, and lowers the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, raises concentration and memory. Walnuts present a pure treasure trove of health! http://kasfero.info/en/
Thyroid gland / Kasfero Naturmedizin®
Kasfero Naturmedizin. Our herbal drops are the final result of many years of research and development of natural substances that have calming and soothing effects on the human body. They protect, nurture and care, freshen up, and give you the security you need when making contacts and while adapting to the environment. They work on the affected spots. Nature gives us all the answers. Heed its call and be healthy! Always put yourself in the first place. Nature is there to take care of you! http://kasfero.info/en
Thyroid gland / Kasfero Naturmedizin®
The base of our products are herbs, processed by our original and unique recipes, which we have been developing over 23 years. The products are made in different forms, depending on the classification of application. The prerequisite for good results is disciplined abidance by the instructions that come with the specified product. http://kasfero.info/en/
Protect yourself with nature, without any side-effects! A wide sandy beach, calming noise of the waves, summer breeze, smell of salt in the air, sun rays. That feeling of pleasure, far away from stress and city noise can be measured. But... If you are taking any medicines from the groups we will now mention, you have to take care because they can lead to photo-sensitive reactions. What is a photo-sensitive reaction? It is a skin reaction to sunlight due to intake of certain chemical substances or medicines. There are two types – photo-toxic and photo-allergic reactions. Photo-toxic reactions are more often and they appear in a few minutes or hours under the effect of direct photo-active substance and skin cells. They remind of burns, and are accompanied by pain, burning and pricking sensations, and redness in the first 24 hours from direct contact with sunlight. They usually appear on the forehead, nose, shoulders and arms. Photo-allergic reactions are similar to photo-toxic reactions in symptoms, but they appear because of allergic reactions because of sensitivity of the immunity. They occur less often and the most often symptom is eczema, followed by itching sensations. They occur in 24-48 hours after direct contact with sunlight. The changes retract slowly after removing photo-allergens or no renewed direct contact with sunlight. The symptoms can also spread to other unexposed parts of the skin. Which medications can lead to these reactions? Antibiotics e.g. tetracycline; pain medication e.g. diclofenac, ibuprofen; anti-depressives; oral contraceptives; cholesterol medications; diuretics; antiphychotics... Engulf yourself with blithe! Kasfero herbal drops: No. 124 – HAUTFUNKTIONSTROPFEN – for skin, hair and nail disorders, chonic eczema, acne, blackheads, skin changes, psoriasis. No. 211 – ALLERGIKUM – drops for changes of allergenic skin diseases, hay fever, allergic diseases of mucosa, allergic asthma, conjunctivitis. No. 607 – AMARUM – for parasytes (in bowels and other organs), as a preventive for foods from different climate, antivirus (for herpes, flu, fungi such as aspergillosis), antibacterial means (for helico bacteria, in the stomach, staphylococci, chlamydia), for gingivitis and periodontitis, lowered appetite, bad digestions. No. 613 – NAUSEATROPFEN – for nausea, vomiting, travelling sickness. And, unavoidable Kasfero Japanese oil for the complete feeling of relaxations. We are slowly packing our suitcases and leaving for our short vacation from 25th of July to 8th of August. We wish you all less worries, enjoyment in every moment and healthy tan... Until soon, Your Kasfero
Herbal remedies for Thyroid disease
Kasfero Naturmedizin® www.kasfero.healthcare/en
Thyroid gland / Kasfero Naturmedizin®
World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th of April each year under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). The first World health assembly what was organized by WHO was held 1948. By the decision of the assembly 7th of April was decided to be World Health Day and it was started celebrating from 1950. This day is marked so that awareness could be raised about a certain subject about health, so we could raise attention about prioritized diseases that concert WHO. Activities about the subject and the means for them should not only be approached during the 7th of April, but throughout the whole year. This World Health Day is dedicated to diabetes, a disease that presents one of the largest health issues of the modern age and has serious consequences on the society as a whole. “Health overruns all material goods – a healthy beggar is happier than a ailing king.” – Arthur Schopenhauer Kasfero Naturmedizin® http://kasfero.info/en/
Kasfero Naturmedizin® / Herbal drops for thyroid gland
Find our products at: http://kasfero.healthcare/en/
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Our Kasfero herbal drops are a natural product that strengthens your thyroid. Nature gives it's best to us, and we give it to you. With a multinational and diverse team, we have been working for over 20 years to bring these unique products to you and show you that thyroid disorders can be beaten. Contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns, and we will be happy to answer. Your Kasfero Team. http://kasfero.healthcare/en/
Patient questionnaire - KASFERO NATURMEDIZIN
FIll out our patient questionnaire so we can give you a thorough answer and find the right product for you! http://kasfero.info/en/patient-questionnaire/
Visit our website www.kasfero.info/en/ for all the information you need about our products, as well as our webshop http://kasfero.healthcare/en/ where you can order our natural herbal drops. If you have any questions, we are here to answer them.