The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) consists of a team of social workers and nurses who provide support and education to expectant parents and parents of children under the age or four. Call us today at 476-3432/2479 to schedule a home visit. The New Parent Support Program offers home visits, classes, playgroups, local hospital tours, and more. Our goal is to provide you with a support system while your's may be an ocean away. Whether its time to bring baby home or dealing with a picky eater, we can help. The goal of this page is to keep you up to date on all our events and provide a safe environment for parenting discussions.
What is a home visit?
Do you have any questions or challenges in breastfeeding, managing tantrums of your toddler, potty training, or recognizing the developmental stages of your child? If you do, or have any goals in mind that can boost your child's growth, then our registered nurses and licensed social workers are able to provide support to you in the privacy of your home by conducting home visits. These home visits are geared directly at solving an issue or discussing relevant topics that may relieve a concern. Appointment times can be made at your convenience and as an option, if you're not prepared to meet in your home, consults can also be conducted in a safe place in the community. Feel free to contact us, so that we can assist you in meeting your parenting goals.
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