One stop shop for current local Hunting, Fishing, Shooting news and info in the area and beyond. Page admin: Mat Cervantes, friend him for BR&G event invites. We provide information and the truth about Hunting, Fishing, Shooting, and buying Weapons for American military community in Germany and Europe. Outfitters, vendors, licensing, shooting ranges, taxidermists, animals, and fish types, rules, laws, local traditions, and a general place to share and or ask about and get advise on how to do it all. Show us your pics and tell your story. Help others out with your contacts to let a new guy inside...
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facebook.comNow this back pack will hold a Reh Buck or two
Good Day All, Be the first to recognize this fish species, where it comes from and how big do they get and I'll send you a Bavarian Rod and Gun agenda book. It was our follower, Ant D Pre that was the first to guess this fish species. As he said, it is a Nile Perch and they do get REALLY big. Will hand over a BRG agenda book come next week when I see you. Thanks all.. (HB)
OK Anglers, one of our very own local fisherman has got this awesome site concerning EVERYTHING fishing. Take a look at
Stop by and enjoy the skeet shooting at the German-American Shooting Club on Tower Barracks. License not required and rent guns on site... (HB)
I'm heading out to build hunting blinds this Sunday morning if anyone wants to get out into the woods and lend a hand. Time will be about 0800 till 1200 (HB)
Be the first person to properly ID this animal, where its from and if it can be hunted and I will send you a Bavarin Rod and Gun 2018 agenda. (HB)
Well it looks like more than one little piggy went to market. For those of you that know that nursey rhyme.
I wonder how many pets this gator has eaten...