Lundi 'Das Original' - developed in practice by experienced breeders and tested in science - for the health of your ornamental water birds and zoo animals. In many years of intensive practical work - which was accompanied by direct scientific support - Ludger Bremehr and his team developed a specialized feed which takes the nutritional and physiological demands of ornamental waterfowl in particular into account. This feed, bearing the brand name "Lundi", consists of extruded pellets with an optimum combination of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in a steady composition. The effectiveness of this well-balanced diet fitting the nutritional demands of the animals has been proven by impressing successes in successive breeding. "Lundi" is now available in four choice variants, all of them produced with a high degree of care and hygiene and with the aid of the latest extrusion technology.
"Lundi" - developed in practice by experienced breeders and tested in science - for the health of your ornamental water birds.
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facebook.comAll good things come in threes. This saying also apply for our Grey crowned cranes (Balearica regulorum).Several days ago 3 curious chicks hatched here on Lundi-Farm. They immediately started to run bumpy around and pick for the pellets.🐣🐤 This hatch is quite unusual for this time of the year as they usually start to breed at the end of the summer time. In the wild this species may breed throughout the year, but they prefer to time their breeding season around the rainy season from December to February.
Without a doubt, spring is not coming, spring is around!🌷🌱 Huge skeins of Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus) migrate to their breeding grounds in Northern Europe and although cross the sky over Lundi-Farm. It seems to be that Lundi-Farm is exactly on their flight route and our different crane species try to encourage them for a stop, but they have a tight schedule and time is running! What a fantastic sight on this beautiful afternoon in March!🌞😀
After their long journey back from “holiday” in Spain or Africa the first pair white storks enjoy the beautiful sunset on sweet home Lundi-Farm!
Love is in the air everywhere I look around... on Lundi-Farm. 💕 Due to the wonderful weather with a lot of sunshine 🌞 all the waterfowl drakes, especially the New Zealand Shovelers, Redheads, Eurasian Wigeons and Ring-necked ducks were very busy to make themselves charming for their sweethearts. 🦆💕
Even if Hurricane „Friederike“ was blowing over Lundi-Farm yesterday with winds up to 120 kph, ducks and geese are very happy with the windy and stormy weather: especially our King Eiders: they are very excited to make themselves attractive for the females! Next breeding season is coming!
Our White-backed sucks just have a Lundi-Micro snack on Lundi-Farm! We hope you can enjoy the second Sunday in Advent with your family and your birds!🎄🎄
Do you need a present for Christmas? This year´s exclusive Lundi calender is definetly not only the perfect gift for bird enthusiasts and breeders, but also for all nature lovers and erveryone who is fascinated by the beauty of bird life! With 12 amazing photographs taken on Lundi-Farm. Buy online now:
We hope you spent this cheerless day as relaxed as our reindeers. We wish you an unhurried and contemplative first Sunday in Advent! Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere during the pre-Christmas period.🌲
Great White Pelicans.(Pelecanus onocrotalus) on Lundi-Farm