Lermann Public Relations
Die Agentur für B2B PR & Social Media in München http://lermann-pr.com. Zum Impressum: http://lermann-pr.com/impressum/ Zum Impressum
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Hightech-Unternehmen, Industrie, IT und Mittelstand.
Lermann Public Relations
Enzianstraße 2c
85591 Vaterstetten
Tel.: +49 8106-300-899
Fax: +49 8106-300-901
Email: info [at] lermann-pr.com
Responsible for contents according to § 6 MDStV and § 6 TDG: Sylvia Lermann
Sales tax identification number subject to § 27 a German VAT law: DE 220 189 260
Liability Information: Despite thorough content control we assume no liability for the contents of external links. The responsibility for the linked sites lies solely with their operators.
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