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Bible Church of Stuttgart

Schockenriedstrasse 42 , Vaihingen, Germany
Church/religious organization



Welcome to Bible Church of Stuttgart. "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Philippians 2:16  Welcome to Bible Church of Stuttgart. We are a congregation of international believers who seek to love God  and one another as Jesus gave His Great Commandment (Matthew 22: 35-40).   We also love the unsaved and seek to reach and disciple them as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19-20).  We invite you to come and join a caring group of people who enjoy worship and fellowship, preach and teach the Word of God, pray for one another, edify and equip each other for the work of the ministry under the Headship of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.  I am privileged to be called as the Pastor to feed and lead the flock of God here at the Bible Church of Stuttgart.   Although our services are in English, we also provide German translation.  

Please come and visit us.
