Create Schools
Create Schools is a new socially responsible, non-government, global school in Tutzing, near Munich, Germany What does socially responsible mean?
It means that we want all children to have access to our school and we want our school to make decisions based on sustainable principles that will benefit our society. Therefore we offer places to children from all socio economic and ethnic backgrounds and we try as much as possible to make 'green' decisions in our everyday running of the school.
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facebook.comEs ist wieder soweit! Herzliche Einladung zur Info-Veranstaltung am Sonntag, 04.02.2018
Wishing you all a merry christmas, peaceful holidays and a fantastic, eventful new year! Thank you for your support this year. Here is a little gem for you to enjoy
Our first day of projects. Kids exploring all sorts of new skills!
Endlich Schnee
Partner-Yoga in Year 1 and 2 today: looking after another person makes for a kind and caring atmosphere
A great Halloween celebration was had by all! Some wonderfully creative costumes!
Egg drop design challenge - a Create Schools 'right of passage' to high school.
Our high school students exploring new skills.
Our Art & Design College kids, exploring their creativity.
Die 3./4. Klasse war zu Besuch auf Schloss Höhenried um die weißen Hirsche zu füttern und die Bäume zu erkennen.
In Germany grade school is over after 4th - look out high school (yup no middle school either). Also, summer vacation starts now