El Espacio De Aura
This place wants to be an open space for the interaction of body, mind and spirit. Yoga, Pilates, Personal Training, Dance ...creation
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facebook.comInstagram post by Cultura Inquieta • Mar 8, 2017 at 5:02am UTC
Feliz Dia a las Mujeres! Día para recordar quienes empezaron a luchar por derechos que hoy ni pensamos que no teníamos antes de ellas, y de su lucha! Sólo agradecimiento. 💜 / Happy International Women's Day💜 Foto: Clara Campoamor. Política española, defensora de los derechos de la mujer y una de las principales impulsoras del sufragio femenino en España, logrado en 1931 #diadelamujer (instagram de #culturainquieta)
National Geographic
So, beautiful tradition of my land, that my family still practice. From my ancestors till today. Learning about where you coming from is the first lesson to respect and learn from others! 😊🙏🏼
Back on stage...well, actually on street!!! Come to see my performance: Circle/Cycle (workingtitle) is a short outdoors dance piece (8min aprox). Premiere in Labyrinth Strassenkunst Festival. Saturday 30th July. Times of performance at 16.15h/ 18.00h/20.10h Moserstrasse,Stuttgart
From the 29.07 new classes Yoga13 with me on Fridays 17.00h!! Komm vorbei!!!
This Thursday at 11.00h Yoga13!!!
Slow Ritual
Because I share concerns and conclusion. It's worth reading!
Mayrit Escuela Activa
Cultura Inquieta
Earth day should be every day,... Let´s raise our gaze from time to time ...it´s beautiful!
Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart
Last Saturday... I just can say thank you, to Juliette for the beautiful piece she choreographed for me, to my friends dancers and not dancers that supported me that day, to the beautiful atmosphere, and to my grandma, for being there in spirit sharing every second. Con mucho amor siempre y para siempre❤️
Do you want to move your body and soul this week? My classes this week YOGA SÜD Stuttgart : Wednesday 19.30-21.00h Yoga Medium (Sub Birgit´s class) Thursday 18.30-19.45h Spanish / 20.15-21.30h English Open level Friday 18.30-19.45h Open level