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Your Personal Strength Institute - Stuttgart

Reinsburgstr.82, Stuttgart, Germany
College & University



Stuttgart's  Adresse für Personaltraining und Ernährungsberatung


The Clean Pull | Your Personal Strength Institute

The Clean Pull When people think of the weightlifting exercises they typically think of Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. While both Olympic lifts are great exercises for athletes to transform maximal strength into power, there are many variations of those two that can be used as assistance lifts and as main lifts of a program to optimize power and technique. One of the variations I like to use is the Clean Pull. For three main reasons: Click here for the full article...

YPSI Seminare

YPSI Bewegungsanalyse & Pre-/Rehabilitation - das Modul 5 der YPSI Trainer A-Lizenz Die Gruppe des Modul 5 Seminars im YPSI in Stuttgart am vergangenen Wochenende. Themen waren über 15 Tests zu Bestimmung von Flexibilität, Mobilität und Kraft aller relevanten Muskeln sowie Stretches, Technicken mit dem YPSI Tool, Akkupressur, Übungen und Übungsprogressionen sowie Supplement- und Ernährungs-Strategien zur Optimierung Im April findet das Modul 5 zum ersten Mal auf englisch statt... .

YPSI Seminare

Was den Piriformis besonders macht | Your Personal Strength Institute

Was den Piriformis besonders macht Der Musculus piriformis, auf deutsch „birnenförmiger Muskel“, liegt in der unteren Schicht der Hüftmuskulatur. Er verläuft zwischen der Innenseite des Beckens und dem Oberschenkelknochen. Der Piriformis wird meist als Hüftaussrotator bezeichnet, ist jedoch sowohl ein Au?en- als auch ein Innenrotator des Oberschenkelknochens (Femur). Was ihn somit besonderes macht ist vor allem, das er bei gestreckter Hüfte der Femur außenrotiert und bei gebeugter Hüfte den Femur nach innen rotiert. Des Weiteren ist der Piriformis einer der unterschätztesten Muskeln... Zum Artikel klick hier...

English YPSI Newsletter

English YPSI Newsletter Sign up for regular Updates and News with info regarding english YPSI Seminars, the YPSI Supplement Line, New Releases, Specials, and much more will be sent out... To sign up take 10 seconds and submit your info here (We sent out 6 newsletters on average a year. No set schedule. Just when there is something relevant to sent out.)

Functional Training Summit 2017!

Am 16.-18. Juni findet das 10te Functional Training Summit von Perform Better Europe in München statt... Wolfgang Unsöld ist zum dritten Mal mit dabei - mit 2 Workshops zu Kniebeugen und Kreuzheben sowie einem "Ask the Coach" Vortrag Sicher Dir bis zum 6.April den Kickoff Preis Mehr Infos hier

2 Things I Know For Sure About Squats | Your Personal Strength Institute

2 Things I Know For Sure About Squats The Squat is often called the King of all Exercises. Its the most popular full body exercise in weight training of all time. As an exercise, the Squat has its own history. Its roots stretch back to the days when weight training was the domain of professional strongmen, who performed incredible feats of strength in front of wide-eyed audiences for entertainment. Whilst there are records dating back to the 16th and 17th century of strongmen performing exercises similar to the modern squat, there is not much information around until the early 1900’s, when the lift we know today as the Squat was actually called the ‘deep knee bend.’ In the early 1900s many in Europe had started performing the Squat, as we know it today, as a competitive lift. The first known reference to the use of the squat in a weightlifting competition came in 1919 Germany when Carl Moerke defeated Hermann Goerner in strength contest by squatting 240kg/529lbs. After the first world war, a German immigrant by the name of Heinrich “Milo” Steinborn came to the United States in 1921. Steinborn is credited for being the first to popularize the Squat. Which then took off from the early strongman to take over via weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, strength & conditioning, aerobics classes, Crossfit and gyms all over the world. The Squat is a unique exercise. And a staple of our work at the YPSI. Two things I know for sure about the Squat are... Click here for the full article..

Before’n’After Interview #46 – Marija M. | Your Personal Strength Institute

#TBT Before’n’After Interview #46 – Marija M. Erzähl uns kurz ein wenig zu Deiner Person und Deinem Alltag MM: Ich bin 30 Jahre und von Beruf Zahntechnikerin. Wie bist Du auf das Before’n’After Programm gestossen? MM: Mein Freund hat vor ca. einem halben Jahr mit dem Programm angefangen. ...

Frederick Luethcke - Pullup w/2s Pause at 90° - 111,6kg+54kg for 2 reps

YPSI Trainings Clip Frederick Lüthcke - YPSI Athlete and current 100m Sprinter for the Embry Riddle Track & Field Team in Daytona, Florida is getting ready for Bobsled Trials 2017. The A exercise of his current program is a Close Neutral Pullup with a 2s Pause at 90° of the concentric. This is an advanced version of the pullup that adds an isometric contraction during the concentric and teaches the elbow flexors and shoulder extensors to the accelerate from a dead stop in mid range against a high load. In this video midway through the current phase he uses 111,6kg bodyweight plus 54kg added weight for 2 reps at a 40x2 Tempo. This program is prescribed to improve the Explosive Strength of the elbow flexors and shoulder extensors. Explosive strength refers to the ability of the neuromuscular system to continue developing the already started tension increase as fast as possible. In other words, it is the capacity to realize a vertical rise in force: the increase of force per time unit is of first order. Explosive strength depends on contraction speed of the motor units of the fast twitch fibers, the number of motor-units involved and the force of contractions of the fiber involved. If the resistance to overcome is light, starting strength predominates, as shown in the Paused Snatch High Pull video. If the load is increased, explosive strength is required.

Before’n’After Interview #95 – Aljoscha N. | Your Personal Strength Institute

Before’n’After Interview #95 – Aljoscha N. Erzähl uns kurz ein wenig zu Deiner Person und Deinem Alltag Ich bin 26 und arbeite im Immobilienvertrieb bei einer Bank. Nebenher mache ich gerade noch einen Fachwirt und meine zweite NLP-Ausbildung. Meine liebsten Freizeitbeschäftigungen sind Sport und Reisen. Wie bist Du auf das Before’n’After Programm gestossen? Ich war mit Romy Korn auf der Schule. Sie hat ständig die YPSI-Posts auf Facebook geteilt. Als ich irgendwann mal morgens von der Stadt nach Hause gelaufen bin, habe ich festgestellt, dass das YPSI nur ein paar Häuser weiter unten bei mir in der Straße ist. Da dachte ich, höre ich mir das Ganze mal an. Zum kompletten BnA Interview klick hier...

YPSI Seminare

Die Gruppe des ersten YPSI Ernährungsseminars - Modul 4 der YPSI Trainer A-Lizenz - in diesem Jahr am vergangenen Wochenende. Themen waren die YPSI Hautfaltenmessung sowie ihre Analyse und die Optimierung von Ernährung und Supplementierung basierend darauf. Für konstante und nachaltige Fortschritte bei Fettabbau sowie Muskel- und Kraftaufbau. Eine sehr aufgeweckte Gruppe mit Teilnehmern aus ganz Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Belgien kamen ins YPSI nach Stuttgart für geballtes und praxisnahes Wissen über Nährstoffe, Hormone, Neurotransmitter und die Hautfaltenmessung. Das nächste Modul 4 findet auf english im April und auf deutsch im Juli statt, mehr Infos dazu hier .

YPSI Seminare

Ask the Coach #11 – High Load vs. Low Load Stability | Your Personal Strength Institute

Ask the Coach #11 – High Load vs. Low Load Stability Frage: Welches Training empfiehlst und verwendest du mit deinen Kunden und Athleten im YPSI um die Stabilität der Gelenke zu verbessern? Klassische Stabi-Übungen oder Vibrationstraining oder etwas ganz Anderes? WU: Stabilität im Alltag und im Sport ist entscheidend um Verletzungen vorzubeugen und Trainingsleistung zu maximieren. Je höher die Stabilität desto höher der Poweroutput – denn du kannst keine Kanone von einem Kanu abfeuern – und desto geringer Abnutzung an Faszie und Muskulatur. Zum Artikel klick hier...

YPSI Handbook - Improve your Squat

"If you want to know something about a subject, don’t listen to someone with a lack of knowledge and success on that subject. Instead listen to someone who has knowledge and success on that specific subject. Or consult his published work. For Squats. This is that book.“ Dr Peter Lundgren, World Leading Therapist


#Personaltrainer @danielvoegleinpersonaltraining from #Heidelberg has completed all 6 Modules of the #YPSI Trainer A-Licence in the last 6 months - during the same time he went through the #BeforeandAfter Program with Wolfgang as the best #learningexperience is to combine the practical #theory of the #seminars with practice in the #realworld - as a #result he dropped 11,3% #bodyfat #gained #size & #strength and feels greet... All the Best for your #career as a #Personaltrainer - #learnmoreearnmore

#Personaltrainer @danielvoegleinpersonaltraining from #Heidelberg has completed all 6 Modules of the #YPSI Trainer A-Licence in the last 6 months - during the same time he went through the #BeforeandAfter Program with Wolfgang as the best #learningexperience is to combine the practical #theory of the #seminars with practice in the #realworld - as a #result he dropped 11,3% #bodyfat #gained #size & #strength and feels greet... All the Best for your #career as a #Personaltrainer - #learnmoreearnmore

#Grouppic from this #weekend - #YPSI #Sportspecific #Training & #Business #Seminar - the Module 6 of 6 of the #YPSI #Personaltrainer #Certification - this seminar will also be held for the #firsttime in english in April 2017 in #Stuttgart

#Grouppic from this #weekend - #YPSI #Sportspecific #Training & #Business #Seminar - the Module 6 of 6 of the #YPSI #Personaltrainer #Certification - this seminar will also be held for the #firsttime in english in April 2017 in #Stuttgart

#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @ypsi_stuttgart via @GPRepostApp ======> @ypsi_stuttgart:#Grouppic of the weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - 10 #Workouts & 5 #Treatments with Dr Peter Lundgren in 5 days - they #travelled as far as #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and of course #germany for the week in #stuttgart - now its time to #eat #rest and #grow - and grow even more...

#GPRepost,#reposter,#notetag @ypsi_stuttgart via @GPRepostApp ======> @ypsi_stuttgart:#Grouppic of the weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - 10 #Workouts & 5 #Treatments with Dr Peter Lundgren in 5 days - they #travelled as far as #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and of course #germany for the week in #stuttgart - now its time to #eat #rest and #grow - and grow even more...

#Grouppic of the weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - 10 #Workouts & 5 #Treatments with Dr Peter Lundgren in 5 days - they #travelled as far as #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and of course #germany for the week in #stuttgart - now its time to #eat #rest and #grow - and grow even more...

#Grouppic of the weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - 10 #Workouts & 5 #Treatments with Dr Peter Lundgren in 5 days - they #travelled as far as #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and of course #germany for the week in #stuttgart - now its time to #eat #rest and #grow - and grow even more...

The #treatment #area during this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp in #Stuttgart - Dr Peter Lundgren using different modalities to improve #mobilty and #recovery between the two workouts every day - guys from #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and #germany blasted through 10 #workouts in 5 days - the next YPSI Training Camp will take place March 20-24 next year - for more info check

The #treatment #area during this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp in #Stuttgart - Dr Peter Lundgren using different modalities to improve #mobilty and #recovery between the two workouts every day - guys from #scotland #czechrepublic #switzerland and #germany blasted through 10 #workouts in 5 days - the next YPSI Training Camp will take place March 20-24 next year - for more info check

10 out of 10 at #YPSI Training camp in Stuttgart under tutelage of Wolfgang Unsoeld are done. Thank you @ypsi_stuttgart for the week full of pain, sweat and tears. And also big thanks to Dr. Peter Lundgren for needles, electroconvulsis theraphy, prehab and rehab stuff and all that vicious humor. Live long and prosper! #politicalhandshake And now is time for double strudel with ice cream😈

10 out of 10 at #YPSI Training camp in Stuttgart under tutelage of Wolfgang Unsoeld are done. 
Thank you @ypsi_stuttgart for the week full of pain, sweat and tears. And also big thanks to Dr. Peter Lundgren for needles, electroconvulsis theraphy, prehab and rehab stuff and all that vicious humor. Live long and prosper! #politicalhandshake

And now is time for double strudel with ice cream😈

Education is the key to keep forward! Step by step adding knowledge 📚 There we go!! 💪 . . . . #personaltraining #personaltrainer #entrenadorpersonal #enricmolla #ypsi #achieve #goals #focus #fitness #fitnessstudio #fitnessaddict #motivation #happines #happy #challengeyourbody #strength #results #weekend #weigthlifting #training #periodization #athlete

Education is the key to keep forward! Step by step adding knowledge 📚
There we go!! 💪
#personaltraining #personaltrainer #entrenadorpersonal #enricmolla #ypsi #achieve #goals #focus #fitness #fitnessstudio #fitnessaddict #motivation #happines #happy #challengeyourbody #strength #results #weekend #weigthlifting #training #periodization #athlete

#Great #BeforenAfter of #improving #neckextension after a #treament with Dr Peter Lundgren during this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - #Repost @dom_kodry with @repostapp ・・・ Before'n'after 🔝 Dr.Peter Lundgren,jeho woodoo a šamanské triky. Před hodinou chiropraxe jsem měl stažená horní záda a krk tak,že jsem hlavu ohnul jen v jednom místě. Po pěti minutách tomu bylo jinak... 🤔👏🏻 #ypsi #yourpersonalstrengthinstitute #peterlundgren #chiropracticcare

#Great #BeforenAfter of #improving #neckextension after a #treament with Dr Peter Lundgren during this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - #Repost @dom_kodry with @repostapp
Before'n'after 🔝
Dr.Peter Lundgren,jeho woodoo a šamanské triky. Před hodinou chiropraxe jsem měl stažená horní záda a krk tak,že jsem hlavu ohnul jen v jednom místě. Po pěti minutách tomu bylo jinak... 🤔👏🏻
#ypsi #yourpersonalstrengthinstitute #peterlundgren #chiropracticcare

#Workout 2 of Day 4 of this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - Adam Ceslik @risebyperformance from #Prague during a #superset of two #InclineCurl Variations to deplete the last bit of #glycogen and #fatigue the last #fiber left...

#Workout 2 of Day 4 of this weeks #YPSI #TrainingCamp - Adam Ceslik @risebyperformance from #Prague during a #superset of two #InclineCurl Variations to deplete the last bit of #glycogen and #fatigue the last #fiber left...


NEAR Your Personal Strength Institute - Stuttgart


Stuttgart, Germany