Hobbit's Border Terrier
Border Terrier Zucht seit 1992
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facebook.com03.09.2017 Luxemburg Int.Dog Show Judge Sean Delmar Hobbits Evening Star CAC/CACIB BOB Ch Luxemburg and Benelux Winner Crufts Qualifikation Handler Michael Weser
Heute 5.08.2017 Nat.Show in Bremen Hobbits Marlow CAC/VDH BOS owner Heinz Overkamp Hobbits Rigmor CAC/VDH BOB handler my dear friend Kristina Müller. Happy breeder today!
Our new puppy Hobbits Tintenherz Foto : Christiane Zinn
Bundessieger Show 16 Oktober 2016 Hobbits Mathilda Junior BOB and BOB. A dream comes true. Never change a winning team, her handler my dear friend Kristina Müller. Judge Mr. Thorsten Himrich
My young girl Hobbits Rigmor (Antti Kham-Mi +Hobbits Evening Star) first time in Junior class in Rostock, both days Junior CAC and Junior BOB, Sunday Junior BIS. Handler both days my dear friend Kristina Müller. I'm really over the moon.
Great weekend for the Hobbits Kennel. Erfurt, Saturday Nat.Show British Cooper Hulkenberg Nico got CAC/VDH and BOS Judge Petra Friedl Germany. Erfurt, Sunday Int.Show British Cooper Hulkenberg Nico got CAC/VDH, CACIB and BOB. Judge Dr.Wilfried Peper Germany. All awards together for KFT and VDH Ch. one month before his second Birthday. Handling both days my dear friend Kristina Müller. We are really over the moon.
Die kleinen Hobbits sind heute 14 Tage alt, schlafen ist am schönsten!
Neumünster CACIB Show Jugde Ilse Schulz AT My youngsters Hobbits Marlow Junior CAC and BOS, owner and handler Heinz Overkamp and Hobbits Mathilda Junior CAC, BOB and 2 BIS Junior wonderfull handelt by my friend Kristina Müller This was a great weekend for us!
Today Terriershow in Neumünster 04.06.2016 Hobbits Marlow Junior CAC, owner and handler Heinz Overkamp. Hobbits Mathilda Junior CAC and Junior BOB, handler Kristina Müller. Im really proud of these youngsters.