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Fly...To Where Your Soul Is Home...
The song I got now, here, I gave the name "Fly To Where The Soul Is Home"! It`s a kind of my kind of new age and I will pretend that good stuff of my music will follow the next weeks, so the fate want month!!! Fly To Where The Soul Is Home is a longing for a free and ve filled world where we all are satisfied, in the name of humanity..... This part of music remembers a bit of Robbie Robbertson, one of my favourite musicians who have a native root and always praying with music, for kindness and justice. But it wasn`t wanted at all....I first recognice it as I listened twice to this song, after I made it! So nevertheeless, now in thought of that great inspirator of my ersonally taste of music, I post this song here. I do not want to conceal it, which makes me a little proud that I come so close to this model of musicians, or its kind of music, with this production... Nevertheeless again I am not a musician but name my self, in my kind of producing and making music an MC, spoken, a music creator, beeing using a sequencer program to create my kind of music.... With this post and song I wish that yer soul fly to the place you belong at all and not without you and that you will have a wonderfull morning, day, evening or night, wherever and whoever you are.....Please be kind and good to the needy people, don`t let the lost stay lost and the lonely alone...Stay tuned over the while to my next publication and I hope you will like what kind music Iwill present to you .. Peace, love and kindness to you, try to stay well and blessed be... Jesus On A Trip...
Wishing well for the comming year... You do not give it up and you are on the way to be a better man and also to establish it! Many of us made, more or less, big shit in our lifes and blessed be those who are looking and going for to find a way out of the sin of senceless thoughts and deeds, and looking and acting for the last and needy.... So they, that are looking and working for the needy and last and supposedly lost , in the name of believing and a possible paradise on earth and justice, those shall surely be praised and seen from the following biggest spirits that will come and remember those and all people wich were striving for to become a better one in sight of humanity and trustworthy and freedome and love.. I believe in the name of common man, this big spirits will remember the lifes of those people, to change them back from death to living, out of grace and all worries and all sickness, if they were not able to come to life before and died befoere they woke up.... May be many of us, striving in the name of unconditional love and will die, nevertheeless, still and further, but the times will come where the bigger spirits will remember the creation and those who wanted and really acted in sense and forgiving and made possible that others could have a new beginning, those who were there for others! - uncondicional and in love, to relieve their suffering and to give them the feeling that this miracle of their birth has given a wonderful and carefree life.... Everyone should feel and know this.. ...but them shall be forgiven for a new life then and the shards of the pitcher of them, which they carry to the fountain of life, to the spring, are then surely reassembled !!! I believe and wish you and everyone, including me, will find the way in your, in their own paradise, in community of the men in the world and leave it not to strive to become a better man further, even in 2017.... So I know, who believe will see signs that will lead him to the target of a divine essence and a holy worldwide community, in this home earth, this house of colorful humancreatures and others like our guiding friends, the animals and also the vegetation... I know it will be and as earlier you and everyone other will begin to change and strive for that divine essence in his self, will be great and small and old and young and happy and sad and poor and rich and unguilty and divine.... So, ye all and yours have a goood year 2017, in well wishes and hope...for my soul and every other... Please care the needy unripe and lonely and helpless I wish you well Radwolf aka Jesus On A Trip
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Guten Morgen und einen schönen Tag an alle Illuminatis!
NASA Earth
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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