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Causatives ( have - get - let -make) Exercise
Causative verbs HAVE, MAKE, GET and LET Causative verbs have much in common with modal verbs: as well as modal verbs, they can be combined with notional verbs. The difference between modal and notional verbs consists in the fact that modal verbs reflect the agent’s internal attitude to the action whereas the causative verbs reflect other persons’ influence upon the agent. How are these verbs used? What do they mean? HAVE means ‘to take advantage of someone’s service’: The boss had his secretary copy this letter. MAKE means ‘the use of force,’ ‘to force someone to do something’: The boss made the employees rewrite this document. GET means ‘to convince someone in the necessity of doing something’: The boss got the employees to finish this project by the end of the year. LET means ‘to allow’: The boss let the employees leave the office an hour earlier on Friday. Pay attention that all this verbs except GET are used without the particle ‘to,’ but the verb GET is an exception and is used with this particle. Click here to find exercises on this topic: http://www.englishpedia.net/my-grammar/intermediate/causative/exercises/causatives-mixed-exercise.htm http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/let-or-make-exercise-1.html
How to Stay Motivated in Language Learning (Even When You're Not Feeling It)
How to Stay Motivated in Language Learning (Even When You're Not Feeling It)