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Sethian Expeditions

Fasanenstr. 3, Solingen, Germany
Travel Company



To facilitate Planning, Organization and Sponsorships for the following:
EXPEDITIONS ONE Arkaim (RUS), TWO Mount Gerizim (IL) and THREE Disko Island (NO)


Address of Gnostic Society leads to Besant Lodge. Hm.

The subject of the third Sethian Expedition will be the Israelite Samaritans at Mt. Gerizim, researching their claim to hold the oldest copy of the Torah.

The newly discovered wreck of the Wildfire was one of the great whaling ships of its time. Featuring brave Captain Walker, who battled the unforgiving Arctic waters to navigate the stricken vessel to safety, rescuing his crew from certain death. The whaling ship Wildfire was built in Quebec in 1853 before she sailed to Scotland to serve with the Dundee fleet. Being both a sailing vessel as well as a steamship she still had the grace of an earlier age. State of the art 3D photo scanning technology attempts to reconstruct what appears to be a 150 year old wreck in good shape. With music courtesy of the great Greenland Amateur Choir

ENQUIRY & TODO LIST, AWAITING RESPONSE Since the built of the ship Wildfire is precisely known, 1853 in Quebec, I'll try to find the shipyard. Diagrams of the Wildfire may exist. ---------------------------- Dear Mr. Mason, I heard now about the discovery of a buckle. It is a common occurrence in resource poor communities to repair old belts by replacing the leather part. Therefore I don't think that the age of the leather is an indication of the age of the buckle. (Age est. based on leather: 1500 years) The only way to be certain is to do an DNA analysis of the leather, to find out where the animal came from. Has this been done? If the leather is from America, then the buckle might be older and cannot be dated (conventionally). Looking forward to your response, Sincerely, Erich Habich-Traut Sethian Expeditions -----------------------

TV REPORT about the Wildfire shipwreck expedition with Arctic Station footage (in German). 3 min.

Grönland Solinger Hobbyforscher findet die „Wildfire“, Artikel aus dem 'Solinger Tageblatt', 21. August 2017, von Stefan Prinz Aus dem Artikel: "Der Solinger hat vor der Küste Grönlands das schottische Dampf-Walfangschiff „Wildfire“ gefunden. „Der ursprüngliche Plan, das Wrack mit einer Unterwasserkamera an einem langen Stab zu erkunden war nicht praktikabel“, sagt der Forscher über sein Vorhaben. Habich-Traut nahm eigens Tauchtraining, um sich das Schiff im seichten Gewässer ganz aus der Nähe ansehen zu können. „Das Tauchtraining erwies sich als hilfreich, als ich mit dem Trockentauchanzug in das zwei Grad kalte Wasser stieg.“ Er verbrachte eine halbe Stunde im Wasser in zwei bis drei Metern Tiefe. Dort konnte er das Wrack gut fotografieren. Spuren auf Wikinger fand er (evtl.) dennoch an der Küste nahe seines Fundortes. Davon ist Erich Habich-Traut fest überzeugt: „Es gibt einen weiteren Hinweis auf die Präsenz von Wikingern vor Ort.“ Es handele sich um ein Langhaus in elf Kilometern Entfernung vom Schiffs-Fundort. Die Fläche sei archäologisch bisher nicht untersucht worden." ------------------------- Meine Anmerkung: seitdem haben wir Spuren eines zweiten, vermutlich älteren Langhauses entdeckt. Das größere Alter des zweiten Langhauses ergibt sich aus dem Grad der Verwitterung. -------------------- Artikel im Solinger Tageblatt (Paywall):

VOLCANIC ORIGIN OF DISKO ISLAND Disko Island was formed about 66 million years ago by a lava flow that originated in the North-West during the late cretaceous tertiary period This was the time of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event, also known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) extinction. During this mass extinction some three-quarters of the plant and animal species on Earth vanished. Other areas that have been formed by large outpourings of lava of are shown as dark purple spots on the map. Disko Island has been formed by this process. Ref.: About the lava flow on Disko it is said that 'It must be assumed that each flow, while molten, travelled from the source area (which judging from the structure of the rock appears to have been to the NORTHWEST) in a channel of several kilometres width. Such channels are common in presently active volcanic areas.' It is estimated that the lava pile that became Disko Island was built up over a timespan of 20.000 to 100.000 years. Lyngmarksbraen, standing 955 meters above sealevel, is where the lava samples where taken that are cited in this article. Ref.:

First 'close-up' of shipwreck It has been a long journey from first spotting the vague outlines of a shipwreck with the help of Google satellite images in April 2016. Today we visited the local Museum and then walked to the wreck site. It takes about 50 minutes from Arctic Station. The site is accessible from the shore and the outline of the hull is visible. This is the first picture. Now we can see the vague outlines of the shipwreck, taken from ca. 60 meters away. The bow of the ship is pointed, the stern is as yet unclear. We will take a closer look tomorrow. It may be possible to reach the site from the shore, in a dry suit, but I'd like to take a more professional approach, by renting a boat. Local weather forecast predicts good conditions for tomorrow the 16th of August, after that, it might actually snow.

Wildfire Burns across (Formerly) Icy Greenland Grasses and low vegetation on the defrosting, drying tundra are igniting A series of blazes is burning roughly in the vicinity of Kangerlussuaq, a small town that serves as a basecamp for researchers in the summer to access Greenland’s ice sheet and western glaciers. The largest fire has burned roughly 3,000 acres and sent smoke spiraling a mile into the sky. We didn't see this directly ourselves. But I am wondering about the 'fog' that we saw.

The Wildfire, 14th of August 2017 Arrival in Queqertarsuaq, colloquially known as 'Godhavn', via Propeller plane from Kangerlussuaq and ferry from Aasiaat. Had 'Smooth' ferry ride, then passed through Godhavn harbour. Saw a couple of whales on the way. Identified Wildfire wreck site (the whaling ship) in passing. Arrived at Arctic Station. The view from our room shows a few icebergs. When approaching Disko Island an optical illusion becomes apparent. Disko is hidden behind a 'fog' bank which makes it look like the sea ends and the icebergs are behind the edge. And then the huge island itself temporarily disappears. As I discovered there is currently an unusual wildfire raging in our area which has nothing to do with the shipwreck named 'Wildfire'. Maybe the haze from the fire is what I believed to be fog when approaching the island. We have Internet but uploading photos is slow.

WILDFIRE Currently there is a question as to whether or not the shipwreck at coordinates Disko Island is the steam whaling ship "Wildfire". It sank around 1868. To be certain the Wildfire is the wreck in question. The National Geographic archives don't have any information about an English steam whaling shipwreck near Queqertarsuaq. So I looked up the dimensions of the Wildfire in Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping 1863: The ship size is given as: 132.8in / 25.4in / 16.8in. The dimensions from Lloyds Shipping register converted to meters are: length 33.73m / breadth 6.45m / depth 4.2m. We can compare those measurements to the shipwreck seen on Google satellite images: length 39m ~ 32m / breadth 6.8m / unknown depth. View here or see the attachment: ( Those measurements are pretty close. To be certain that my "unknown shipwreck" and the steam whaler "Wildfire" are the same I need to compare the exact location. Lyngmarks bugten appears to be three bays, as far as I can tell. View here or see the attachment: ( The "unknown shipwreck" is in the eastern bay, as shown on the attached file. View here or see the attachment: ( Is this where the Wildfire is? It's not all bad, if it is. And it's not all bad, if it isn't. Because in either case, it would then be possible to plan a proper expedition to this wreck.

The television station WDR Bergisches Land aired on the 28th of June a report about my Greenland Expedition in August: Solinger discovers a presumed Viking ship in Greenland - on the domestic computer. Video: The outline on the satellite image is without a doubt an unexplored shipwreck, and the indications are, that it is a Scotch steam whaling ship from 1853, named "Wildfire". It grounded on Disko Island on 18 July 1868. It resembled a Viking ship from the outlines and the location of the wreck. However, the facts currently speak against it. A positive identification of the wreck is clearly necessary for the evaluation of the find. Video Archive: Crowdfunding: -------------------------------- Der Fernsehsender WDR Lokalzeit Bergisches Land brachte am 28. Juni einen Beitrag über die Expedition im August. Solinger entdeckt mutmaßliches Wikingerschiff vor Grönland - am heimischen Computer Video: Rueckblickend erscheint es fraglich ob es sich um ein Wikingerschiff handelt. Es ist jedoch ohne Frage ein unerforschtes Schiffswrack und es mehren sich die Hinweise das es sich um ein Schottisches Dampfwalfangschiff von 1853 handelt, mit dem Namen "Wildfire". Es kenterte am 18. July 1868. Das es ein Wikingerschiff sein koennte, ergab sich aus den Umrissen und der Lage des Wracks. Allerdings sprechen momentan die Fakten dagegen. Eine Identifikation des Wracks ist der Bewertung des Fundes eindeutig foerderlich. Crowdfunding: -----------------------------------------


NEAR Sethian Expeditions

Haus Rüden

Solingen, Germany