Furthering and developing global, cosmic and quantum consciousness for everyone, communal meditation practices and exercises To explore, practice and further Sethian Belief is the goal of the Sethian College.
The Sethian Belief believes in Seth,
as the third son of Adam.
The Sethian Belief is studied by all available sources, (customs, art, literature connected to the Sethian Belief (the study of Seth, in all incarnations).
It is also done by practice of the Sethian Belief and the study of Orch-OR effects (experimentation).
Field studies are also part of the activities of the Sethian College.
Resulting research is published.
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facebook.comTrying to discover connection between ISRAELITE SAMARITANS and NAG HAMMADI SETHIANS. Dear ..., I am investigating any information regarding Sethian gnosis in preparation for an upcoming expedition to Mt. Gerizim (2 or 3 years from now). Marian Sonnenträger is according to her CV on LinkedIn a prior of the Ordo Equester Sethiani. She was mentioned as a contact in 2008 on the now mostly defunct website. The Knights of Seth (Ordo Equester Sethiani) are a society founded before 1850. 'Marian' claims to be part of this group in modern times. Naturally, I attempt to find out if those Knights still exist, maybe in the wider context of the Gnostic Society. The Nag Hammadi library from which I extensively quote (as part of an exegesis) is hosted by My interpretation of evolution leads to the conclusion that the origin of life (and cosmology) may come from a female principle. I see this reflected in the not-so-well-known Nag Hammadi texts. It was the beautiful description of the behaviour of a photon that first attracted me (to Sethian writings). The role that the biblical Seth has for today's Israelite Samaritans (Benyamim Tsedaka?) leads me to Mt. Gerizim, in the end. It may have been a Samaritan sect that contributed to Nag Hammadi. This I'd like to find out. Regards, Erich Habich-Traut, D.M. ULC
I found a way to communicate with people trapped in their bodies
Trying to discover connection between ISRAELITE SAMARITANS and NAG HAMMADI SETHIANS. In other news: The secret society "Knights of Seth" (Ordo Equester Sethiani) were founded one hundred years before the discovery of the large body of writing in the Nag Hammadi scrolls in December 1945. Using the wayback machine to 2008 on a defunct website I was able to establish a weak link to reference 1. Should be filed under Sethian Expeditions, expedition 3, Mt. Gerizim, Palestine Reference 1:, Marian Sonnenträger -------------- Knights of Seth, from archive
CONFLATING THE DIRAC SEA WITH SETHIAN WATER To the Sethians it seems there exist three first principles, which have been precisely defined. And the essences of the principles, the Sethians say, are light and darkness. And in the midst of these is pure spirit; and the spirit, they say, is that which is placed intermediate between darkness, which is below, and light, which is above. It is not spirit, as a current of wind or a certain gentle breeze which may be felt, but just as if some fragrance of ointment or incense made out of a refined mixture,--a power diffusing itself by some impulse of fragrance which is inconceivable and superior to what one can express. Since, therefore, the light is above and the darkness below, and the spirit is intermediate between these, the light, also, as a ray of sun, shines from above on the underlying darkness. And the fragrance of the spirit is wafted onwards, occupying an intermediate position, and proceeds forth, just as is diffused the odour of incense-offerings (laid) upon the fire. Now the power of the things divided threefold being of this description, the power simultaneously of the spirit and of the light is below, in the darkness that is situated beneath. The darkness, however, they say, is a horrible water, into which the light along with the spirit is absorbed, and thus translated into a nature of this description. The darkness being then endued with intelligence, and knowing that when the light has been removed from it the darkness continues desolate, devoid of radiance and splendour, power and efficiency, as well as impotent, (therefore,) by every effort of reflection and of reason, this makes an exertion to comprise in itself brilliancy, and a scintillation of light, along with the fragrance of the spirit. And of this they introduce the following image, expressing themselves thus: Just as the pupil of the eye appears dark beneath the underlying humours, but is illuminated by the spirit, so the darkness earnestly strives after the spirit, and has with itself all the powers which wish to retire and return. Now these are indefinitely infinite, from which, when commingled, all things are figured and generated like seals. For just as a seal, when brought into contact with wax, produces a figure, (and yet the seal) itself remains of itself what it was, so also the powers, by coming into communion (one with the other), form all the infinite kinds of animals. The Sethians assert that, therefore, from the primary concourse of the three principles was generated an image of the great seal, namely heaven and earth, having a form like a womb, possessing a navel in the midst. And so that the rest of the figures of all things were, like heaven and earth, fashioned similar to a womb. And the Sethians say that from the water was produced a first-begotten principle, namely a vehement and boisterous wind, and that it is a cause of all generation, which creates a sort of heat and motion in the world from the motion of the waters. And they maintain that this wind is fashioned like the hissing of a serpent into a perfect image. And on this the world gazes and hurries into generation, being inflamed as a womb; and from thence they are disposed to think that the generation of the universe has arisen. And they say that this wind constitutes a spirit, and that a perfect God has arisen from the fragrance of the waters, and that of the spirit, and from the brilliant light. And they affirm that mind exists after the mode of generation from a female-- (meaning by mind) the supernatural spark--and that, having been mingled beneath with the compounds of body, it earnestly desires to flee away, that escaping it may depart and not find dissolution on account of the deficiency in the waters. ------------------ German translation: Nach Hippolyt (Philos. V) geht das System der Sethianer von einer Dreiheit von Finsternis, Licht und reinem Geist aus. Aus der Vermischung dieser drei entstehen Himmel und Erde. Im Gegensatz zu anderen gnostischen Systemen sei die Finsternis dabei keine untätige Materie, sondern klug und tätig, und werde mit dem Wasser und der Schlange gleichgesetzt. Die Finsternis erzeuge einen Sohn, den Nous (Verstand), der nicht von ihrem Wesen sei, sondern ein losgerissenes Teilchen von Licht und Geist, der sich aber nicht selbst erlösen könne. Um ihn zu befreien mache sich der Logos des Lichts dem Nous gleich. „Sie meinen, das All habe drei gesonderte Prinzipien, von denen jedes unendliche Kräfte habe... Die Wesenheiten dieser Prinzipien sind Licht und Dunkel, mitten zwischen ihnen ist das unvermischte Pneuma. Das Pneuma, das zwischen dem Dunkel in der Tiefe und zwischen dem Licht in der Höhe seine Lage hat, ist nicht ein Hauch, wie die Kraft des Windes oder eine fühlbare feine Luft, sondern wie der Duft einer Salbe oder eines zusammengestellten Räucherwerkes, eine feine durchdringende Kraft, mit einem ungeahnten, unaussprechlich starken Wohlgeruch. Da nun das Licht oben und das Dunkel unten ist und mitten zwischen diesen auf die eben beschriebene Art der Hauch, das Licht aber wie ein Sonnenstrahl seiner Natur nach von oben in das darunter liegende Dunkel leuchtet, der Wohlgeruch des Hauches aber wiederum in seiner Mittellage sich ausdehnt und überallhin kommt, wie wir die allseitige Verbreitung des Geruches beim Räucherwerk, das auf dem Feuer liegt, wahrnehmen. Da also solcher Art die Kraft der dreifach geteilten (Prinzipien) ist, so ist die Kraft des Pneuma und des Lichtes zugleich (auch) in dem darunter liegenden Dunkel. Das Dunkel ist aber ein furchtbares Wasser, in welches mit dem Pneuma das Licht herabgezogen und zu gleicher Wesenheit verwandelt wird. Das Dunkel ist aber nicht vernunftlos, sondern durchaus verstandbegabt, und es weiß, daß, wenn das Licht vom Dunkel genommen wird, das Dunkel einsam, lichtlos, glanzlos, kraftlos, energielos, schwach zurück bleibt. Deshalb trachtet es mit jedem Gedanken und jeder Überlegung, in sich den Glanz und den Funken des Lichtes mit dem Wohlgeruch des Pneuma zu behalten. Das Bild dieser Wesenheiten kann man im Antlitz des Menschen sehen, die Pupille des Auges, dunkel durch die darunter liegenden Wasser, erhellt durch das Pneuma. Wie nun das Dunkel nach dem Glanz strebt, auf daß es den leuchtenden Funken zu seinen Diensten habe und sehen könne, so strebt das Licht und das Pneuma nach ihrer eigenen Kraft; sie bemühen sich, ihre mit dem darunter liegenden Dunkel und dem furchtbaren Wasser vermischten Kräfte zu heben und zu sich zurückzubringen. Jede einzelne der gesamten Kräfte der drei Prinzipien, die unendliche Male unendlich an Zahl sind, ist ihrer Natur nach verstand- und vernunftbegabt. Unzählig an Menge, verstand- und vernunftbegabt, sind sie in Ruhe, wenn sie für sich allein bleiben. Wenn aber eine Kraft der anderen nahe kommt, so bewirkt die Ungleichheit bei der Nebeneinanderstellung eine Bewegung und eine Tätigkeit, die durch den Zusammenstoß der Kräfte entsteht. Der Zusammenstoß der Kräfte erfolgt in der Art, wie das Siegelbild sich durch Berührung mit dem Siegel dem vorliegenden Stoffe einprägt. Da nun die Kräfte der drei Prinzipien unzählig sind und durch die unzähligen Kräfte unzählige Zusammenstöße erfolgen, so entstehen notwendig unendlich vieler Siegel Bilder. Diese Bilder sind nun die Ideen der verschiedenen Lebewesen. Aus dem ersten großen Zusammenstoß der drei Prinzipien entsteht ein großes Siegelbild, Himmel und Erde. Himmel und Erde aber haben eine Gestalt, die dem Mutterschoße mit dem Nabel in der Mitte ähnlich ist, und wenn einer diese Gestalt sich vor Augen bringen will, der untersuche kunstgerecht den schwangeren Schoß eines beliebigen Lebewesens, und er wird das Bild des Himmels und der Erde und aller Dinge finden, die dazwischen unveränderlich liegen. Die Gestalt des Himmels und der Erde ist durch den ersten Zusammenstoß dem Mutterschoße ähnlich geworden. Mitten zwischen Himmel und Erde erfolgten dann wiederum unzählige Zusammenstöße von Kräften. Und jeder Zusammenstoß hat immer wieder das Siegelbild des Himmels und der Erde nach Art eines Mutterschoßes hervorgebracht und ausgeprägt. Auf der Erde aber entstanden aus unzähligen Siegeln unzählige Mengen von verschiedenen Lebewesen. In diese ganze Unendlichkeit verschiedener Lebewesen unter dem Himmel ist mit dem Lichte der Wohlgeruch des Pneuma von oben hineingestreut und verteilt worden. Aus dem Wasser ist als erstgezeugtes Prinzip ein ungestümer, heftiger, jedes Werden verursachender Wind entstanden. Er bringt die Wasser in Wallung und erregt in ihnen Wogen. Die Bewegung der Wellen, die wie ein Drang ist..... , sie sei mit dem Menschen oder mit dem Nus schwanger geworden, wenn sie schwellend vom Ansturm des Windes getrieben wird. Wenn nun diese Woge, vom Wind aus dem Wasser getrieben und geschwängert, als Weibchen fortpflanzungsfähig geworden ist, so hält sie das herabgestreute Licht von oben mit dem Duft des Pneuma fest, d. i. den Nus in seinen verschiedenen Gestalten. Dieser ist der vollkommene Gott, aus dem ungezeugten Licht von oben und aus dem Pneuma in die menschliche Natur herabgebracht, wie in einen Tempel, durch die Kraft der Natur und die Bewegung des Windes aus Wasser gezeugt, mit den Körpern vermengt und vermischt wie Salz in den Dingen und Licht in der Finsternis; er strebt darnach, sich von den Körpern zu lösen und kann die Loslösung und seinen Ausgang nicht finden; es ist nämlich ein ganz kleiner Funke hineingemengt..... , wie er im Psalme[1] sagt. Alles Sinnen und Sorgen des Lichtes von oben geht dahin, wie und auf welche Weise der Nus vom Tode des bösen, dunklen Körpers befreit würde, vom Vater unten, welcher der Wind ist, der in ungestümem Brausen die Wogen erregt und der den Nus, seinen vollkommenen Sohn, erzeugt hat, der ihm aber nicht wesensgleich ist. Von oben stammte er, ein Strahl jenes vollkommenen Lichtes, im dunkeln, furchtbaren, bitteren, fauligen Wasser überwältigt; dies ist der leuchtende Geist, der über den Wassern schwebt[2]...... , wie man es bei allen Lebewesen sieht. Der heftige, in seiner Wucht furchtbare Wind ist in seinem Ungestüm einer Schlange ähnlich, ist geflügelt. Von diesem Wind, d. i. von dieser Schlange, stammt das Prinzip des Werdens auf die besprochene Art, indem alles zugleich das Entstehungsprinzip erhielt. Nachdem also das Licht und das Pneuma in dem unreinen, leidvollen, wüsten Mutterschoß gefangen worden sind, geht die Schlange, der Wind des Dunkels, der Erstgeborene der Wasser, in ihn ein und erzeugt den Menschen, und der unreine Mutterschoß liebt und erkennt kein anderes Gebilde an. Es machte sich nun der von oben kommende vollkommene Logos des Lichtes der Bestie, der Schlange, ähnlich und ging in den unreinen Mutterschoß ein, indem er ihn durch seine Ähnlichkeit mit der Bestie täuschte, auf daß er die Fesseln löse, die den vollkommenen Nus umstricken, der in der Unreinheit des Mutterschoßes vom Erstgeborenen des Wassers, von der Schlange, dem Winde, der Bestie erzeugt wurde. Dies ist die Knechtsgestalt[3] und dies die Notwendigkeit, warum der Logos Gottes in den Schoß der Jungfrau herabstieg. Aber das Eingehen des vollkommenen Menschen, des Logos, in den Schoß der Jungfrau und das Lösen der Geburtswehen in jenem Dunkel genüge nicht; sondern, nachdem er in die scheußlichen Geheimnisse im Mutterschoß eingegangen war, wurde er abgewaschen und trank den Becher des lebendigen, sprudelnden Wassers[4], den unbedingt der trinken muß, der die Knechtsgestalt[5] ablegen und das himmlische Gewand anziehen will.“ – Hippolyt von Rom: Widerlegung aller Häresien (Refutatio omnium haeresium) V,19 [1] Eine Gruppe dieses Namens wird auch bei Epiphanius von Salamis beschrieben, der jedoch sagt, sie seien nicht weitverbreitet und sich nicht genau erinnern kann, in welcher Stadt Ägyptens er sie vorgefunden habe. „Die Sethianer. Diese verehren insbesondere den Seth und behaupten, er sei geboren aus der Reue der Stammutter, welche nach der Tötung des Kain und Abel den reinen Sprößling Seth hervorbrachte, von welchem das ganze Menschengeschlecht abstammte. Auch sie glauben an "Mächte" und "Gewalten" und das übrige, was auch die anderen glauben.“ – Epiphanius von Salamis: Panarion 39 [2] ------------------ Interpretation 1: THE SETHIANS, from Hippolytus: Refutation of All Heresies
ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD, Nag Hammadi Excerpt (Translated by Hans-Gebhard Bethge and Bentley Layton) This narrative talks about the origin of life from single cell organisms. It was quite advanced for its time: "When Sophia let fall a droplet of light, it flowed onto the water, and immediately a being appeared, being androgynous. That droplet she molded first as a female. Afterwards, using the body she molded it in the likeness of the mother, which had appeared. And she finished it in twelve months. An androgynous human being was produced whose mother the Hebrews call Eve of Life (Zoe), namely, the female instructor of life. Her offspring is the creature that is lord. Afterwards, the 'authorities' called it "Beast", so that it might lead astray their modelled creatures. The interpretation of "the beast" is "the instructor". For it was found to be the wisest of all beings. Now, Eve is the first virgin, the one who without a husband bore her first offspring. It is she who served as her own midwife. For this reason she is held to have said: It is I who am the part of my mother; and it is I who am the mother. It is I who am the wife; it is I who am the virgin. It is I who am pregnant; it is I who am the midwife. It is I who am the one that comforts pains of travail. It is my husband who bore me; and it is I who am his mother. And it is he who is my father. It is he who is my force; What he desires, he says with reason. I am in the process of becoming; yet I have borne a man. [114:8-16, edited version] The holy voice said, "Multiply and improve! Be lord over all creatures." And it is they who were taken captive, according to their destinies, by the prime parent. And thus they were shut into the prisons of the modelled forms until the consummation of the age. Since that day, the seven rulers have fashioned man with his body resembling their body, but his likeness resembling the man that had appeared to them. His modelling took place by parts, one at a time. And their leader fashioned the brain and the nervous system. Afterwards, he appeared as prior to him. He became a soul-endowed man. And he was called Adam, that is, "father", according to the name of the one that existed before him. And when they had finished Adam, he abandoned him as an inanimate vessel, since he had taken form like an abortion, in that no spirit was in him. Regarding this thing, when the chief ruler remembered the saying of Sophia, he was afraid lest the true man enter his modelled form and become its lord. For this reason he left his modelled form forty days without soul, and he withdrew and abandoned it. Now on the fortieth day, Sophia Zoe sent her breath into Adam, who had no soul. He began to move upon the ground. And he could not stand up. Later when the seven rulers came, they saw that Adam could stand up, they were glad, and they took him and put him in Paradise. And they withdrew up to their heavens. After the day of rest, Sophia sent her daughter Zoe, being called Eve, as an instructor, in order that she might make Adam, who had no soul, arise, so that those whom he should engender might become containers of light. (115:31-35) When Eve saw her male counterpart prostrate, she had pity upon him, and she said: "Adam! Become alive! Arise upon the earth!" Immediately her word became accomplished fact. For Adam, having arisen, suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw her, he said, "You shall be called 'Mother of the Living'. For it is you who have given me life." Then the authorities were informed that their modelled form was alive and had arisen, and they were greatly troubled. They sent seven archangels to see what had happened. They came to Adam. When they saw Eve talking to him, they said to one another, "What sort of thing is this luminous woman? For she resembles that likeness which appeared to us in the light. Now come, let us lay hold of her and cast her seed into her, so that when she becomes soiled she may not be able to ascend into her light. Rather, those whom she bears will be under our charge. But let us not tell Adam, for he is not one of us. Rather let us bring a deep sleep over him. And let us instruct him in his sleep to the effect that she came from his rib, in order that his wife may obey, and he may be lord over her." Then Eve, being a force, laughed at their decision. She put mist into their eyes and secretly left her likeness with Adam. She entered the tree of knowledge and remained there. And they pursued her, and she revealed to them that she had gone into the tree and become a tree. Then, entering a great state of fear, the blind creatures fled." ------------------ Eve as Revealer of Gnosis "After the day of rest Sophia sent her daughter Zoe, being called Eve, as an instructor in order that she might make Adam, who had no soul, arise so that those whom he should engender might become containers of light. (115:31-35) Early Christianity turned to the figure of Eve, demonizing her with unprecedented force. Christ's role in redemption became explicable only in its relationship to the Fall as portrayed in Genesis. Eve, along with her sinister partner the serpent (beast), became the antagonist who, through her wiles, led the paradisiacal Adam away from God. This understanding of Eve's inferiority and propensity for sin remains embedded in late twentieth-century culture." ------------------------- Ref.: Another Eve: A Case Study in the Earliest Manifestations of Christian Esotericism, Laura Hobgood-Oster, Southwestern University Tree from Kaiserswerth
QUANTUM EVOLUTION 1: is a component of George Gaylord Simpson's multi-tempoed theory of evolution proposed to explain the rapid emergence of higher taxonomic groups in the fossil record. Oddly enough, Gaylord Simpson's theory has not much to do with quantum mechanics. Ref.: 1 Quantum evolution 2: is the hypothesis that quantum effects can bias the process of mutation towards adaptive genetic variation. The first publication on this subject, which appeared in a peer review journal, is by Vasily Ogryzko. In 1999, biologist Johnjoe McFadden and the physicist Jim Al-Khalili published an unrelated model of adaptive selection for lactose metabolism in non-metabolizing E. coli. in which they proposed a mechanism based on enhanced decoherence of quantum states that interact strongly with the environment. McFadden published his book Quantum Evolution in 2000. A mechanism proposed by quantum evolution is to imagine that the configuration of DNA in a cell is held in a quantum superposition of states, and that "mutations" occur as a result of a collapse of the superposition into the "best" configuration for the cell. The proponents of this approach liken the operation of DNA to the operation of a quantum computer, which selects one from a multitude of possible outcomes. Ref. 2 Ref. 2: Ref. 1:
MAGNIFICENT BEASTS (and where to find them) The chicken is a non-flying bird that has survived a cataclysmic event about 65 million years ago. As we have all heard somewhere, birds are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs. According to my theory, it would be possible to reverse engineer the animal that preceded the chicken, the Archaeopteryx, by suppressing the latest evolutionary development. In 2015, this was done with the beak of a chicken. Because of 'ethical' considerations the partial Archaeopteryx embryos were aborted before hatching. I am generally not a proponent of abortion. There is no evolutionary advantage in this practice. There is no need to have the blood of a dinosaur in the stomach of a mosquito trapped in amber to create Jurassic Park. That was fiction. This is science: Ref.:
Intelligence doesn't seem to have much to do with brains, because the amoeba don't have any. It is rather like intelligence infiltrates every suitable (living) vehicle. The Beginning We live in a juncture of time that is crucial for the development of non-biological technology and it's connection to the living world. Here on Earth, of all places, the wheel was invented, which is mechanical. ------------------------------------ A main concept of DarwinIan evolution is wrong. What was first, the hen or the egg? The hen IS THE EGG. The hen EVOLVED FROM THE EGG. The egg keeps making usually better and better copies of itself. (Sophia in gnostic Nag Hammadi library). By stopping it's egg development at any age one can reverse engineer it's ancestors. To do this a section of DNA is removed. The Ark. It isn't necessary to have the blood of a dinosaur to have dinosaurs. You take the closest living relative, and engineer the developmental stage you wish to achieve, 1000, 2000, 10.000, 1 million, 2 million years into the past. As the DNA encodes in sequence, it is easy to reverse engineer. The 'evolution' of humans, from one-celled organisms to a fully developed being, is reflected in the early developmental stages of the embryo. And so it is with every organism. The DNA tells our story. Each being contains the seed that begat it. Evolution does not primarily select the errors (mutations) of DNA as a determining factor in natural selection. (What can happen is that a damaged genome adapts to survive.) Evolution is a process that builds on success, not DNA failure. Survival of the fittest is not a struggle for dominance by killing or neutralizing the competition, it is cooperation that determines survival. That is true for a single cell as well as the survival of societies. Evolutionary pressure is characterized by adaption of an existing organism to changing circumstances in a constructive manner and not by destruction of said organism. Although that also happens, it is not preferred. YOU are the result of a long line of survivors in the tree of life of this world. None of your ancestors died in the course of 'natural' selection, else you would not be here today, to read these lines. YOUR DNA holds all the memories and experiences of your branch of humanity from the very beginning of time, before recorded history. Embedded in the dormant sections of your DNA (codons) lies the entire wisdom of your race. The race is not for the finish line, there is no finish line. The recombination of the mothers and fathers DNA creates a new being, not a clone, to drive forward the development of the species. Consciousness inhabits all multicellular patches of life. The sense of self develops tools, like hands and eyes, to manipulate the given environment and confounds the second law of thermodynamics by increasing order and not entropy (chaos). Because 'life' is not a closed system. It has a feed-back loop. A closed time-like curve or post-quantum backchannel for David Bohm's pilot wave. FEROCIOUS NATURE? In displays of survival of the fittest it is often shown that the lion goes after game and mauls it with exposed fangs, the blood spurting everywhere. Or a wolf pack stalks a single deer to attack it and bring it down, to be torn to shreds. When an animal kills it always takes the weak or frail ones of another species. And never does a hunter kill it's own. In the kingdom of life there is no species that does this, except man. This has nothing to do with the nature of man, but with the medieval concept of statehood by Thomas Hobbes. Modern states and their conduct take their justification from Hobbes. Man's struggle to this point has always been about expanding lebensraum, to compete for resources that are perceived as limited. The ferocious true nature of man, that has been compared to the wolf, is not existing. The named wolf is a social animal that works together to bring down it's prey. There are internal struggles in a pack for breeding dominance. But those are resolved amicably. It is only by contracting disease that otherwise mild mannered animals turn into a threat, such as caused by rabid fear or confusion. The picture in the center of the human embryonic development is not an Alien, it is yourself at the age of three weeks. The first instinct of a being when confronted with the unknown is to flee. And only when backed into a corner it turns to fight, when there is a reasonable chance of winning. The unknown is the future. Don't battle the future. Nature is not ferocious, it is impartial.
INTELLIGENT DESIGN The controversial field of intelligent design is currently limited to studies of biology, where it contents that evolution follows a plan. The advocates of 'evolution' are piqued, as they see this as evidence of non-scientific reasoning. Because they don't believe in a plan. A second opinion exists in the field study of quantum mechanics, as proposed by J. Sarfatti, who thinks that a self-aware quantum field is able to use a temporal back channel to influence the outcome of events. In other words, the effect (for instance the mutation of a cell), is to a certain degree able to communicate with the cause (the mutagen). In the presence of such a back channel beneficial mutations are favored. The study of the influence of quantum mechanics in biological systems is just beginning but I remember a few studies that provide positive evidence for this theory. Evolution science tells us that mutations are the cause of evolution. Post-quantum theory tells us that the evolution of biological systems and intelligence is aided by a feedback loop that selects positive mutations. In other words, the evolution of biological systems is advancing faster than pure random chance tells us it should be happening. Whilst the principle is still blurry at present, the concept of intelligent design can be applied to nature as a whole. Natural formations caused by erosion and wind are not exempt to this process. Pareidolia is described as a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists (e.g., in random data). This description is wrong. Familiar patterns do exist. Patterns are the motive force to investigate the stimulus and to decide if the origin of the pattern is just random noise or somehow caused. The human brain is a pattern recognition machine. To make sense of patterns is what we do. The cause of patterns may not be random. In mathematics, a simple formula can create infinite distinct patterns (fractals). Without knowing the formula, the complexity of fractal patterns remains a mystery. A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which may have a post-quantum causal connection with each other. A clockwork of (post-)quantum physics is a whole lot more complicated than thought possible, but it is predictable science. We live in a fractal universe. My collected evidence doesn't leave me any other explanation. Q.E.D. --------------------------- Why the Amoeba is still an Amoeba..? The amoeba is a single cell organism. Any particular amoeba lives about two days. Before it dissolves it reproduces asexually, by splitting. The new amoeba has the same chromosome as the original amoeba, it is an identical twin. In this sense amoeba are immortal. That’s why an amoeba is still an amoeba. Why change a winning formula? Some amoeba band together when food runs out, to form a more complex multicellular slug which functions as a single organism. The amoeba slime (Physarum polycephalum) is a strange, creeping, bloblike organism made up of one giant cell. Though it has no brain, it can learn from experience. Now a team of scientists has gone a step further, proving that a slime mold can transmit what it has learned to a fellow slime mold when the two combine. And the slime can learn a lot: P. polycephalum can solve the Shortest path problem. When grown in a maze with oatmeal at two spots, P. polycephalum retracts from everywhere in the maze, except the shortest route connecting the two food sources. When presented with more than two food sources, P. polycephalum apparently solves a more complicated transportation problem. With more than two sources, the amoeba also produces efficient networks. In a 2010 experiment, oat flakes were dispersed to represent Tokyo and 36 surrounding towns. P. polycephalum created a network similar to the existing train system, and "with comparable efficiency, fault tolerance, and cost". Similar results have been shown based on road networks in the United Kingdom and the Iberian peninsula (i.e., Spain and Portugal). P. polycephalum can not only solve these computational problems, but also exhibits some form of memory. By repeatedly making the test environment of a specimen of P. polycephalum cold and dry for 60-minute intervals, Hokkaido University biophysicists discovered that the slime mould appears to anticipate the pattern by reacting to the conditions when they did not repeat the conditions for the next interval. Upon repeating the conditions, it would react to expect the 60-minute intervals, as well as testing with 30- and 90-minute intervals. As the slime mould does not have any nervous system that could explain these intelligent behaviours, there has been considerable interest in understanding its behaviour. However, currently these models do not make sense biologically. In classical biology, living organisms consume food, so energy can not be conserved. In quantum biology, on the other hand... ------------------------- Intelligence doesn't seem to have much to do with brains, because the amoeba don't have any. It is rather like intelligence infiltrates every suitable (living) vehicle. The Beginning We live in a juncture of time that is crucial for the development of non-biological technology and it's connection to the living world. Here on Earth, of all places, the wheel was invented, which is mechanical. ------------------------------------ A main concept of DarwinIan evolution is wrong. What was first, the hen or the egg? The hen IS THE EGG. The hen EVOLVED FROM THE EGG. The egg keeps making usually better and better copies of itself. (Sophia in gnostic Nag Hammadi library). By stopping it's egg development at any age one can reverse engineer it's ancestors. To do this a section of DNA is removed. The Ark. It isn't necessary to have the blood of a dinosaur to have dinosaurs. You take the closest living relative, and engineer the developmental stage you wish to achieve, 1000, 2000, 10.000, 1 million, 2 million years into the past. As the DNA encodes in sequence, it is easy to reverse engineer. The 'evolution' of humans, from one-celled organisms to a fully developed being, is reflected in the early developmental stages of the embryo. And so it is with every organism. The DNA tells our story. Each being contains the seed that begat it. Evolution does not primarily select the errors (mutations) of DNA as a determining factor in natural selection. (What can happen is that a damaged genome adapts to survive.) Evolution is a process that builds on success, not DNA failure. Survival of the fittest is not a struggle for dominance by killing or neutralizing the competition, it is cooperation that determines survival. That is true for a single cell as well as the survival of societies. Evolutionary pressure is characterized by adaption of an existing organism to changing circumstances in a constructive manner and not by destruction of said organism. Although that also happens, it is not preferred. YOU are the result of a long line of survivors in the tree of life of this world. None of your ancestors died in the course of 'natural' selection, else you would not be here today, to read these lines. YOUR DNA holds all the memories and experiences of your branch of humanity from the very beginning of time, before recorded history. Embedded in the dormant sections of your DNA (codons) lies the entire wisdom of your race. The race is not for the finish line, there is no finish line. The recombination of the mothers and fathers DNA creates a new being, not a clone, to drive forward the development of the species. Consciousness inhabits all multicellular patches of life. The sense of self develops tools, like hands and eyes, to manipulate the given environment and confounds the second law of thermodynamics by increasing order and not entropy (chaos). Because 'life' is not a closed system. It has a feed-back loop. A closed time-like curve or post-quantum backchannel for David Bohm's pilot wave. FEROCIOUS NATURE? In displays of survival of the fittest it is often shown that the lion goes after game and mauls it with exposed fangs, the blood spurting everywhere. Or a wolf pack stalks a single deer to attack it and bring it down, to be torn to shreds. When an animal kills it always takes the weak or frail ones of another species. And never does a hunter kill it's own. In the kingdom of life there is no species that does this, except man. This has nothing to do with the nature of man, but with the medieval concept of statehood by Thomas Hobbes. Modern states and their conduct take their justification from Hobbes. Man's struggle to this point has always been about expanding lebensraum, to compete for resources that are perceived as limited. The ferocious true nature of man, that has been compared to the wolf, is not existing. The named wolf is a social animal that works together to bring down it's prey. There are internal struggles in a pack for breeding dominance. But those are resolved amicably. It is only by contracting disease that otherwise mild mannered animals turn into a threat, such as caused by rabid fear or confusion. The picture in the center of the human embryonic development is not an Alien, it is yourself at the age of three weeks. The first instinct of a being when confronted with the unknown is to flee. And only when backed into a corner it turns to fight, when there is a reasonable chance of winning. The unknown is the future. Don't battle the future. Nature is not ferocious, it is impartial. ------------------------------- MAGNIFICENT BEASTS The chicken is a non-flying bird that has survived a cataclysmic event about 65 million years ago. As we have all heard somewhere, birds are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs. According to my theory, it would be possible to reverse engineer the animal that preceded the chicken, the Archaeopteryx, by suppressing the latest evolutionary development. In 2015, this was done with the beak of a chicken. Because of 'ethical' considerations the partial Archaeopteryx embryos were aborted before hatching. I am generally not a proponent of abortion. There is no evolutionary advantage in this practice. There is no need to have the blood of a dinosaur in the stomach of a mosquito trapped in amber to create Jurassic Park. That was fiction. This is science: Ref.: ----------------------------------- Well, it looks like Lamarckism has a bad rep. I would have to extend by saying that the mutations are initiated by quantum mechanical processes. This already has names like quantum evolution, quantum intelligent design. ------------------------------------ Quantum evolution 1: is a component of George Gaylord Simpson's multi-tempoed theory of evolution proposed to explain the rapid emergence of higher taxonomic groups in the fossil record. Oddly enough, Gaylord Simpson's theory has not much to do with quantum mechanics. Ref.: 1 Quantum evolution 2: is the hypothesis that quantum effects can bias the process of mutation towards adaptive genetic variation. The first publication on this subject, which appeared in a peer review journal, is by Vasily Ogryzko. In 1999, biologist Johnjoe McFadden and the physicist Jim Al-Khalili published an unrelated model of adaptive selection for lactose metabolism in non-metabolizing E. coli. in which they proposed a mechanism based on enhanced decoherence of quantum states that interact strongly with the environment. McFadden published his book Quantum Evolution in 2000. A mechanism proposed by quantum evolution is to imagine that the configuration of DNA in a cell is held in a quantum superposition of states, and that "mutations" occur as a result of a collapse of the superposition into the "best" configuration for the cell. The proponents of this approach liken the operation of DNA to the operation of a quantum computer, which selects one from a multitude of possible outcomes. Ref. 2 Ref. 2: Ref. 1:
-THE SETHIANS, from Hippolytus: Refutation of All Heresies But to the Sethians it seems that there exist three principles, which have been precisely defined. And each of the principles is fitted by nature for being able to be generated, as in a human soul every art whatsoever is developed which is capable of being learned. The result is the same as when a child, by being long conversant with a musical instrument, becomes a musician; or with geometry a geometrician, or with any other art, with a similar result. And the essences of the principles, the Sethians say, are light and darkness. And in the midst of these is pure spirit; and the spirit, they say, is that which is placed intermediate between darkness, which is below, and light, which is above. It is not spirit, as a current of wind or a certain gentle breeze which may be felt, but just as if some fragrance of ointment or incense made out of a refined mixture,--a power diffusing itself by some impulse of fragrance which is inconceivable and superior to what one can express. Since, therefore, the light is above and the darkness below, and the spirit is intermediate between these, the light, also, as a ray of sun, shines from above on the underlying darkness. And the fragrance of the spirit is wafted onwards, occupying an intermediate position, and proceeds forth, just as is diffused the odour of incense-offerings (laid) upon the fire. Now the power of the things divided threefold being of this description, the power simultaneously of the spirit and of the light is below, in the darkness that is situated beneath. The darkness, however, they say, is a horrible water, into which the light along with the spirit is absorbed, and thus translated into a nature of this description. The darkness being then endued with intelligence, and knowing that when the light has been removed from it the darkness continues desolate, devoid of radiance and splendour, power and efficiency, as well as impotent, (therefore,) by every effort of reflection and of reason, this makes an exertion to comprise in itself brilliancy, and a scintillation of light, along with the fragrance of the spirit. And of this they introduce the following image, expressing themselves thus: Just as the pupil of the eye appears dark beneath the underlying humours, but is illuminated by the spirit, so the darkness earnestly strives after the spirit, and has with itself all the powers which wish to retire and return. Now these are indefinitely infinite, from which, when commingled, all things are figured and generated like seals. For just as a seal, when brought into contact with wax, produces a figure, (and yet the seal) itself remains of itself what it was, so also the powers, by coming into communion (one with the other), form all the infinite kinds of animals. The Sethians assert that, therefore, from the primary concourse of the three principles was generated an image of the great seal, namely heaven and earth, having a form like a womb, possessing a navel in the midst. And so that the rest of the figures of all things were, like heaven and earth, fashioned similar to a womb. And the Sethians say that from the water was produced a first-begotten principle, namely a vehement and boisterous wind, and that it is a cause of all generation, which creates a sort of heat and motion in the world from the motion of the waters. And they maintain that this wind is fashioned like the hissing of a serpent into a perfect image. And on this the world gazes and hurries into generation, being inflamed as a womb; and from thence they are disposed to think that the generation of the universe has arisen. And they say that this wind constitutes a spirit, and that a perfect God has arisen from the fragrance of the waters, and that of the spirit, and from the brilliant light. And they affirm that mind exists after the mode of generation from a female-- (meaning by mind) the supernal spark--and that, having been mingled beneath with the compounds of body, it earnestly desires to flee away, that escaping it may depart and not find dissolution on account of the deficiency in the waters. Wherefore it is in the habit of crying aloud from the mixture of the waters, according to the Psalmist, as they say, "For the entire anxiety of the light above is, that it may deliver the spark which is below from the Father beneath," that is, from wind. And the Father creates heat and disturbance, and produces for Himself a Son, namely mind, which, as they allege, is not the peculiar offspring of Himself. And these heretics affirm that the Son, on beholding the perfect Logos of the supernal light, underwent a transformation, and in the shape of a serpent entered into a womb, in order that he might be able to recover that Mind which is the scintillation from the light. And that this is what has been declared, "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant." And the wretched and baneful Sethians are disposed to think that this constitutes the servile form alluded to by the Apostle. These, then, l are the assertions which likewise these Sethians advance. Authors note this is not exclusively a Jesus incarnation, Sethians believe in a whole string of incarnations, and that is the natural course of events. Some Sethians believed in Jesus as one of their own.
An alternative I try to prove that for an effect, there is one explanation, as well as the other. Whether the other is equally valid or not depends on the judgement of the observer.
Conjecture : The fields of Psi are all the same. Whether it be the medium of the soul or what entangles quanta. Ancient photons. We all carry in us a part of that initial spark That gave light to this Universe The Big Bang some call it
