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My Amino - Human Amino Acid Profile

Friedrich-Luber-Straße 29, Schwarzenbruck, Germany



The original MyAMINO ® – according to the specific human amino acid profile

Eight essential amino acids for protein nutrition  The original MyAMINO ® – according to the specific human amino acid profile

Eight essential amino acids for protein nutrition (dietary supplement - suitable for vegans)
MyAMINO ® is an abbreviation for Human Amino Acid Profile and is a unique combination of the eight essential amino acids.

Protein, or more specifically its building blocks (the amino acids), are not only an important component of our diet, they also form the basic building material for our entire body. They are there for the constant renewal of living cells that make up the muscles, organs, bones, antibodies, enzymes, etc. Even the name 'protein', derived from the Greek ''proteu'' or ''proto'', tells us that it takes “first place” and is thus the most important nutritional building block in the human diet.

MyAMINO ® is an excellent provision for health, anti-aging and sustained performance capability, as it helps to build and repair lean body and tissue substance (not only muscles, but also skin and connective tissue material, immune mass, messengers and metabolic aids).

Features of MyAMINO ®:
•    MyAMINO ® is 100% bioavailable/digestible
•    MyAMINO ® provides an optimum ratio of the eight essential amino acids for the human dietary pattern: L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleusine, L-Lysine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Methionine, L-Tryptophan

•    MyAMINO ® achieves 99 % net amino acid value (NAV*)
•    MyAMINO ® therefore creates only 1% of metabolic waste toxins (ammonia, urea) and due to that only 1% Glucose from protein metabolism
•    MyAMINO ® is almost completely free of calories (only 0.4 kcal in 10 tablets) yet provides your body with the same amount of digestible amino acids as 350g of meat, fish or poultry.
•    MyAMINO ® is fully resorbed in the small intestine within 23 minutes. It is already broken down and therefore does not need any digestive enzymes whatsoever. The transition time of ordinary food protein in the body takes 5 to 13 times longer. MyAMINO ® does not leave any digestive end products in the gut.

* NAV = Net Amino Acid Value = Protein nutritional value

A revolution in protein nutrition
According to studies and research by Prof. Dr. Lucà-Moretti at the INRC (International Nutrition Research Center), MyAMINO ® provides the highest protein nutritional value in the world with the lowest amount of metabolic waste. MyAMINO ® is therefore particularly suitable for medical purposes, particularly in terms of protein deficiency diseases.


INFORMATION about MAP 2.0 is MyAMINO !!! The improvement is that the amino acids used in MyAMINO ® now meet all Full Medical Grade and not just Food Grade. The high requirements of EP, USP and JP, and thus the highest purity on the market.
