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Eichenweg 41, Schongau, Germany
Spas/beauty/personal care



Die exklusive Naturkosmetik von chi-enterprise zaubert ein Leuchten in Ihr Gesicht und Ihre Seele. (English describtion see below.) Durch die Produkte von chi-enterprise haben Sie die Möglichkeit Körper, Geist und Seele zu verwöhnen.
Unsere Produkte sind auf alte indische Traditionen zurückzuführen die auf Goldstaub basieren. Das Blattgold verleiht unserem Produkt Eleganz und ihrer Haut einen strahlenden Teint. Die Produkte der goldenen Serie sind naturrein, mit einem Emulgator auf natürlicher Basis, ohne Farb- und Konservierungsstoffe, ohne synthetische Duftstoffe, pH-hautneutral, PEG-frei, ohne Erdölprodukte, ohne tierische Rohstoffe.
Using wellness products can be enjoyable! is a company to supply health products to serve the needs of modern society. All products have been tested and applied by the owners and are found eligable and of good quality for serving needs of everyone: healthy people as well as chronic dis-eased, patients and therapists, customers and wholesellers.

Our products are designed to give comfort, pleasure, harmony, relaxation and most of them are even comfortable and fun to use. Our philosophy is bringing the right product to the right people. In a holictic and alternative approach to medicine and helath people have different needs. We are there to serve these, to find them and to present means to comfortably find balance.

So we have precious cosmetics with gold, detoxification products, alternative food supplement and slimming products, chi-machines for fitness and circulation, portable steam and infrared units for slimming, circulation and general health, very stabel massage tables for therapists and beauty treatment.

Main focus is our gold cosmetics with energetic and harmonization ingredients, chakra and aura harmonization and stabilization products. The cosmetics is all natural, has very precious ingredients, all natural fragrances, is pH-neutral, PEG-free and no animal products or testing.

The scope of products is finalized by the subtle knowledge of 2 experienced therapists with a anthropophilic and wholistic approach to the human nature: "A smile in the heart not only makes us so much happier, ist makes a lot of things much easier".


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