Online Shop - Exclusive Merchandise all around our rocking´ lifestyle.
Design service - You need Artwork for your biz? We have the Artists! ...Dear Music Lovers.
Welcome to ROCKAWAITS our symbol for rare, exclusive and limited Merchandise all around your rocking´ lifestyle!
Just as you we love every sort of Rock Music! And ROCKAWAITS means that we are doing it with the same love, attitude for life and passion as you do!
We bring in a combined 40+ years of experience with "Music", as listeners and concert-goers, as musicians and professionals. With a background in the music and merchandise industry and lots of experience as live musicians and technicians, we know many aspects of the music industry and the business.
If you’re a music lover, musician, band, designer or label - pitch us on Facebook, twitter or tumblr, or write us a message! Or you can join our mailing list on our Homepage and we keep you informed about the course of our project!
Greetings and RockOn!
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