Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil
Kundalini Yoga
Regression/Rückführung LBL
Addiction Recovery
Through our years of working with patients suffering from several disorders e.g., addiction, cancer, depression, childhood- trauma and burnout, we found that it is not only essential not to treat the symptoms, but go to the root of the problem, which the patient is suffering from. Therefore, we developed “Touch of Soul” which is a program that allows us to work beyond physical therapy and dive deep to enter the layers of the sub-consciousness and hidden soul wounds which basically is the cause of all disease. ‘Touch of Soul’ provides the possibility to connect with your emotions and patterns, which presents the opportunity for the healing process to begin and dispel the root cause of your wounds.
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Photos from Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil's post
Photos from Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil's post
Photos from Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil's post
"Yin Portal" , Noot's beautiful place far away of the city in the nature
Photos from Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil's post
Soulsister!! What a bliss to finally have met you !!!💖
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How does a real spiritual person look like ? Dressing in a special dress ? Long hair ? Big turban ? Waking up early in morning? Knowing a lot of techniques? Famous ? All these are meaningless if a so called spirituality is practicing out of Ego! And that doesn't mean all these are either right or wrong. If simply the ego is the root. When the self is totally selfless and all that matter is the being ! The being of an authentic soul. When nothing else matters. When one practice regardless of any hidden agenda. No One else's imposed knowledge. No one else's idea. No other mental tricks... just a purity of being then Spirituality arises. That's the awakening of a Sadhu!
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How does a real spiritual person look like ? Dressing in a special dress ? Long hair ? Big turban ? Waking up early in morning? Knowing a lot of techniques? Famous ? All these are meaningless if a so called spirituality is practicing out of Ego! And that doesn't mean all these are either right or wrong. If simply the ego is the root. When the self is totally selfless and all that matter is the being ! The being of an authentic soul. When nothing else matters. When one practice regardless of any hidden agenda. No One else's imposed knowledge. No one else's idea. No other mental tricks... just a purity of being then Spirituality arises. That's the awakening of a Sadhu! Paramjot Singh Khalsa
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My workshop with my brother Jagtar Singh in Berlin. We will go through the three major stages of yoga (physical, breathing, sound) to achieve the pure state of silence called Samadhi. . . It is a full day workshop on the 25th of June 2017 in Berlin at kreuzbergyoga It will be from 10am - 5:30 pm a solid 7 1/2h of intense transformative yoga. Costs: 120€ The workshop will be done in two languages englisch and german. Registration at: . . We are looking forward meeting you guys at the workshop, until than Namastey, Shalom, Satnam and Peace ✌🏾🙏🏾
Photos from Touch Of Soul : Naturheilpraxis & Kundalini Yoga zentrum , Rottweil's post
Wer kann helfen, ist kreativ und professionell: Aus Raum 1 soll Raum 2(3.Bild) entstehen, am Bodensee, Sipplingen?? Bitte PM!🌺🌸💖🙏🏻Touch of Soul zieht Anfang Juni um, deswegen so schnell wie möglich!!
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"When you are not doing anything at all – bodily, mentally, on no level – when all activity has ceased and you simply are, just being, that's what meditation is. You cannot do it, you cannot practice it; you have only to understand it."
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As a naturopathic and alternative medicine therapist I am combining various techniques to diagnose, help and heal. Such as kinesiology/psychokinesiology, spiritual regression therapy, deep psychological counselling as I have the gift of accurate intuitiv reading of a persons life journey, patterns, emotional trauma and as a Reiki master I am gifted to feel emotional and physical blockage and heal by channeling energy through my hands. Singing bowls are used to let people relax and heal through the vibrance of the sound. Ayurvedic knowledge, Homöopathic/Spagyrik medicine and supplements are given to treat the physical body, through which the soul is giving you signals. Family system and card reading underlining the numerology of your date of birth. Kundalini Yoga, Meditation is needed to open the door of subconsciousness and helps purifying body, mind and soul. Soft tissue massage helps calming your nervous system down which is very helpful for sleeping problems. Chakra Balance healing and trigger point treatment and nabhi-colon-chakra-massage are high energetically processing on various systems which might have been causing blockage and illness. Paramjot is also well familiar with most of these techniques even enhancing through his profound and mesmerising knowledge of ancient wisdom of India and Asia.
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