MAXX - the leading builder of custom bikes. Configure your individual bike online on MAXX is not an ordinary bicycle factory, it is a genuine bike manufacture.
We are a crew of bike-crazy specialists who have managed to combine hobby and career. Now we are totally committed to inspiring other bikers with our visions. Our goal is to build our own rigorous demands on technology, equipment, and safety into every bike we make for our customers. In order to ensure the highest level of workmanship and quality our bikes are not produced on an assembly line on a job-rate basis - they are built by hand, piece-by-piece. Every single component passes through the hands of an experienced specialist who works in strict accordance, and is remunerated in strict accordance, with our rigorous quality and assembly guidelines.
At Maxx, care and love of detail are the measure of all things, not the time factor.
First an individual bill of materials is created that specifies every component and each work step in precise detail for every bike that will be manufactured. Each frame is powdercoated by hand in the customer's choice of color, using a special process, and thus it is preserved to last half an eternity. Each wheel is trued and de-tensioned individually by hand to ensure a perfectly smooth ride. The last step is final assembly where the custom-coated frame, wheels, and all other components are presorted in accordance with the bill of materials, and then carefully assembled and tuned so that the bike is ready to ride.
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