International Business Fair der ESB Business School Reutlingen
Die IBF ist die größte Firmenmesse der Studierenden der ESB Business School an der Hochschule Reutlingen und wird von Studenten organisiert. Liebe ESBler, liebe Professoren und liebe Unternehmen,
willkommen auf der studentischen Facebookseite der International Business Fair 2017 der ESB Business School der Hochschule Reutlingen.
Auch in 2017 wollen wir wieder allen Studierenden der ESB Business School und ca. 140 großen und mittelständischen Unternehmen die Möglichkeit geben, sich an zwei aufregenden Messetagen kennenzulernen, Kontakte zu knüpfen und attraktive Jobangebote zu vergeben und zu erhalten.
Wir werden euch im Laufe der Vorbereitung und während der Messetage mit allen wichtigen Informationen zu den teilnehmenden Unternehmen, Workshops, Bewerbungsmodalitäten und Zeitplänen versorgen.
Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende International Business Fair 2017 zusammen mit euch!
Euer IBF Team
Dear students, professors and companies,
Welcome on the student Facebook-Page of the International Business Fair 2016 of the ESB Business School.
Once again in 2016, all students of the ESB Business School will have the opportunity to meet agents and visit presentations of about 140 companies in order to learn something about their future career possibilities.
During the following months we are going to inform you about everything you need to know.
We are looking forward to an exciting International Business Fair 2016 together with you!
Your IBF 2016 Organization Team
Teilnehmende Unternehmen 2016 / Participating Companies 2016:
4flow AG
Accenture GmbH
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
A.T. Kearney
ahc Unternehmensberatung GmbH
ALDI GmbH & Co. KG
Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
All for One Steeb AG
Allianz Beratungs- und Vertriebs-AG
audibene GmbH
Axel Springer SE
Bachert Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG
Bayer AG
Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
Coca Cola Erfrischungsgetränke GmbH
Comarch AG
Commerzbank AG
Concept AG
Covestro AG
Daimler AG
Danone GmbH
Dassault Systèmes Deutschland GmbH
Deloitte Consulting GmbH
Deloitte Luxemburg
Ebner Stolz Mönning Bachem
Enterprise Autovermietung Deutschland GmbH
Ernst & Young GmbH
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Hilti Deutschland AG
Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Husqvarna Group
IBM Deutschland AG
Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG
LVMH Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH
MBtech Group GmbH & Co. KGaA
Mieschke Hofmann und Partner
MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG
PA Consulting
Paul Hartmann AG
Peek & Cloppenburg
Peri GmbH
Porsche Deutschland GmbH
Procter & Gamble
RB Deutschland GmbH
Tell your friends
facebook.comLast Reminder:) YOU WANT TO TAKE ACTIVELY PART AT ONE OF THE BIGGEST EVENTS OF THE ESB? THEN you shouldn't forget to apply for the IBF core organization team Apply here, until tomorrow 12 noon!!!
Hello Everyone, Thank you all for joining our Kick - Off Event today! If you want to be part of the core organisation team for the IBF 2018, sign up until the 27th! Your IBF Team
Quick Reminder!!! Don't miss our IBF Kick - Off tomorrow --> B5, Room 119
Dear ESB students, For the most of us the semester break is already over and we hope you all had a great time on vacations or back home. Also a very warm welcome to our freshmen, which we already got to know a bit at the IB Ressort Presentation and the Ressort Fair of IMX. It seems like next April is still far away but the organization process for the International Business Fair 2018 has already started and we need your support. The IBF is a great opportunity to get in touch with companies by talking with their representatives and to collect experience in Event - Managing. Join our IBF organization team and help us to make this event a huge success! For further information and all your questions, please come to our --- Kick-Off event on Wednesday, 20th September at 5:15pm , Building 5 Room 119 --- We are looking forward to seeing you! Your IBF Team
Hello everyone, now that the International Business Fair is over, we are looking for a new Head Organization Team for the next year's IBF. If you want to work on a proper project to gain some experience and get an official ESB certificate signed by the Dean you should apply as a Head! We are looking for: - Head of Company Support - Head of Logistics and Catering - Head of Communication As you have probably noticed at the IBF we were a team of five. Two heads for the company support and we had an additional member as the Project leader. Requirements: - you need to be on campus for the next two semesters (WiSe 2017/18 and SoSe 2018) - apply as groups (you know best who you prefer working with on that project) - group of 3-4 Send me your applications please until 12th May. - why should we choose you? - study program and full names - constellation of the team Have a nice evening :D
Hello everyone, we hope you enjoyed the International Business Fair 2017 and want to thank all of you for the last two days. We especially want to thank our great team, the Career Center and all the helpers, who did an amazing job by helping us! International Business Fair 2017 Head-Orga Team
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great first day at the International Business Fair. In the following picture you will find all the company presentations, which will take place tomorrow! SO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS THEM!!! See you tomorrow!
Hello everyone, please have a look again, which company you are supporting and on what day they are participating! Be in front of building 17 at 7 am! See you in the morning!
Hello everyone, WE NEED YOUR HELP! There are still some great companies available to become the company supporter for! Again this is a unique chance for you to make an impression on the company representatives! Thank you and see you tomorrow!
Hello everyone, if you have signed in the helpers sheet you should have received an email by now with the information that we are going to have a helpers briefing today. One at 13.00 and one at 18.00! In the room 5-117! You don't have to attend both! You haven't received this email please direct message me your emailaddress with your name, because you will receive another email today! See you later, Dimi
We would like to invite ALL of you to our IBF get-together event on Tuesday and Wednesday. It takes place at the fair tent and sparkling wine, soft drinks and canapés will be provided for you. The perfect event after a long day full of serious business talks. See you there… ;)