Salux Beauty skin cloth
We are Ziad Rashed Trade the exclusive distributor for Salux product in Lebanon from Maison Classique the exclusive agent. We are trying to let more people know abut Salux product because its the best choice will be for their heath skin "Anti bacteria, its medical product" save their time and money"Salux can be use more than 18 months" to let them try new feeling after a bath "Salux stimulate blood circulation in the body"
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skin cloth’ (Made in Japan)
We are pleased to present you that our best selling product ‘Salux Beauty skin cloth’ (Made in Japan) Salux started since 1967 till now. Invention Praise Awarded in Japan. Size: 28cm *90cm Quality: 60% Nylon 40% Polyester Colors: Yellow -Pink - Blue Its benefits are: - Cleaning death cell from skin - Open the skin pores - Clean the fats from the skin - It never keeps Bacteria in it (Antibacterial product) - It’s a sport and medical item can be taken to anywhere - It will be quickly and fully dry after a shower. - It’s long live that can be use more than 18 months. This is international product very famous around the world U.S.A - U.K - France - Canada -Italy - Japan - K.S.A – Turkey- Jordan -Lebanon you can Google the name of Salux Cloth and you will find it. Shop online and pay on delivery One pace = 8.000 L.L order 6 piece for free Delivery you can find this offer, only here. إذا كنت تستخدم الليفة العادية للحصول على النظافة، قد حان الوقت لإعادة النظر في روتين الاستحمام الخاص بك If you use a loofah to get clean, it may be time to rethink your shower routine. click the link