Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center of Ramstein seeks to offer counseling and other services to those who are pregnant or may be pregnant. The Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center is an international organization; our purpose is to defend life by supporting women in crisis pregnancies as well as to bring healing and wholeness to lives traumatized by abortion.
If you feel like you have no options and no way out, please call our 24-hour hotline and allow us to walk with you through this time.
Services offered:
· 24-hour hotline: 01744038900
· Crisis pregnancy counseling
· Free pregnancy testing
· Education: abortion, fertility, parenting, and sexual integrity
· Adoption guidance
· Post-abortion counseling
· Material aid assistance
· Infant care classes
All services are free and confidential.
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facebook.comOur banquet is only a few days away!!! We are still seeking volunteers to help at various times of the day on Friday!!! Please sign up and spread the word!!/showSignUp/20f044caaa823a3f58-6thannual
We are in need of volunteers to help the day of our annual fundraising banquet! The banquet will be held Friday, February 2. Please sign up at the link below. We have many opportunities for you to help at various times throughout the day and evening! Please consider signing up, and spread the word!
Tomorrow we will be having a planning meeting for our fundraising banquet at the center at 10am! Please join us!!!
Don't forget! HCPC's annual fundraising banquet is quickly approaching! It will be a wonderful and fun filled evening. Tickets are available now to purchase at the center. Want to help with planning and coordinating the banquet? We would love your help! Email Heidi Baker at
Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center will be hosting its annual fundraising banquet on Friday, February 2nd, 2018. It will be a wonderful evening that includes dinner, live entertainment, a silent auction, and a dessert dash! We are blessed and honored to have the president of Heartbeat International, Jor-El Godsey, as our guest speaker. Tickets are 20€ and can be purchased at the HCPC office during office hours: Mon, Wed, Fri from 9-2. For any questions about the banquet, or if you would like to donate or volunteer in anyway, please email
Interested in planning our next Banquet? Come to our next meeting Friday December 1 at 10:00 at HCPC and see where you can help out.
Heartbeat Crisis Pregnancy Center has a new Director starting October 1st, Tiffin Fox. Join us in praying for her as she begins to take over and minster to clients and volunteers at the center. Please feel free to stop by HCPC in October and meet her or send her an email at
It's about that time of year again --- planning for the the HCPC Annual Banquet! We are looking for volunteers to help plan our 6th Annual HCPC Banquet which is taking place the beginning of 2018. We are excited to get started in building a planning committee! If you are interested in joining our Banquet Committee, please email with your interest so we can add you to our distribution list. HCPC staff and volunteers are looking forward to working with you and to another great Banquet!
We are needing to update our cell phone for our hotline. If you have an unused cell phone and would be willing to donated it, please let us know. Thank you!
We had a few donations come in last week. If you have some time and would like to help out, feel free to stop in today until 1400 and Friday any time from 0900-1400 to sort though and organize the new donations.
Been thinking about volunteering? Now's the time! We are looking for volunteers in many different areas of our ministry. Email if you would like more information about our volunteer opportunities.