Bright Sparks International Preschool in Pullach
Welcome to the adventure of self-discovery and learning.
Preschool education taught by native English speakers. What do we do?
It is our goal to support you and your child/ren to organise a good balance between work/Preschool and home life.
We respect and nurture your child´s individual personality and learning style, and by doing this, assist them to reach their full potential.
We believe in creating an environment based on professional knowledge, diversity and caring. Allowing the children to feel comfortable, happy, and understood with sufficient room and inspiration to grow and develop.
Is education the key to developing all the skills, we need today?
Preschool education taught by native English speakers helps prepare our bright sparks for their future needs.
But we also believe that there are some equally important skills, which enable our children to achieve a more self-determined life in the future; creativity: Because the future needs to be created by experts and we want to inspire them whatever their dreams and profession might be.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe Mini`s living out the Humpty Dumpty rhyme
It's been a wet spring, so we've decided to get creative.
Photos from Bright Sparks International Preschool in Pullach's post
Some artwork from our very creative Maxi group!
We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year...The Bright Sparks Team
Timeline Photos
What can you expect (thinking about your family’s future)? We base our developmental goals on the actual English National Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage. To meet these goals we incorporate a mix of methods and materials, including components of the BEP and Montessori. We believe this is the best option for our children to help them transition and integrate, wherever they move in the future.
Timeline Photos
Holidays for the school year 2015/2016 (Includes first and last day of each holiday period) Summer break 2016 25.07.2016 - 05.09.2016 (Please note the children start on Tuesday 06.09.2016) German reunification day 03.10.2016 Autumn break 31.10.2016 - 04.11.2016 Christmas break 24.12.2016 - 06.01.2017 Fasching 27.02.2017 - 28.02.2017 Easter break 10.04.2017 - 17.04.2017 May day 01.05.2017 Christi Himmelfahrt /Ascension 25.05.2017 Pfingsten / Witsun 05.06.2017 - 09.06.2017 Fronleichnam / Corpus Christi 15.06.17 Summer break 2017 24.07.2017 - 04.09.2017 Please note: we are required by law to remain closed on all Bavarian public holidays
Timeline Photos
Do you get tired of those “why?” questions which children constantly ask? We believe that this is a very natural and intelligent behaviour and is to be encouraged. Actual scientific studies tell us, that until the age of 5 years, nearly 98% of all children are brilliant, almost genius. By the age of 10, only 70% still show this brightness and by 15 years of age only 10% are still that intelligent. Children should have the right to ask “Why?” as often as they want, because only by asking “Why?” can they satisfy the hunger of wanting to know more about the complexity of life and all the colourful experiences, that make their days bright and thrilling. Children are naturally curious! And our aspiration is to motivate them to ask “Why?”
Bright Sparks International Preschool in Pullach's cover photo
Bright Sparks International Preschool in Pullach