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Proton Motor

Benzstraße 7, Puchheim, Germany
Energy Company



A leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel cells and fuel cell systems for mobile, maritime and stationary applications. Our Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems Provide Safe and Clean Energy

By climate change and increasing shortage of resources alternative energy strategies become more and more important.

Our hydrogen fuel cell systems are an essential factor of success. As emission free future technology our tailor-made applications “Made in Germany” have grown in popularity in daily use at mobile, maritime and stationary Systems.

We are leading among German hydrogen fuel cell systems companies and are located in Puchheim close to Munich.

See for yourself our long term know-how and progressiveness of our ideas regarding PEM Fuel Cell Systems with Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells also known as Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells!


First Steps of Funding Project Fit-4-AMandA On 15 March 2017, the kick-off meeting of the EU-funded project Fit-4-Amanda took place at Proton Motor Fuel Cell´s Puchheim location. We are very pleased that within this project we are able to contribute our know-how in the field of fuel cells as technical coordinators and thereby making a further valuable contribution to the future viability of the industry. The project title Fit-4-AMandA refers to Fit for Automatic Manufacturing and Assembly. The Project members are UPS, EWII, Uniresearch B.V, USK Karl Utz Sondermaschinen GmbH, Fraunhofer IWU and Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe TU Chemnitz. The project is funded by FCH-JU, a joint undertaking of the European Union which supports hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The project will have a duration of 36 months. During the project new manufacturing technologies specific to the PEMFC stack production processes, advancing beyond state of the art equipment and tools, will be developed. Established industry best practices on production and quality will be analysed and transposed to the manufacturing of PEMFC components and stacks. New QA strategies relevant for the transport sector will be proposed and assessed. In the scope of this project, the fuel cell system leveraging the components produced through the automated manufacturing process will be tested under real-word operating conditions of a light commercial vehicle, however these products are also viable in other mobile applications including heavy-duty buses, trucks, forklifts, auxiliary power units, etc. as well as maritime and stationary applications including prime power and uninterruptible power supply.

Proton Motor auf der Energy Storage Europe 2017 Vom 14. Bis 16. März präsentiert sich Proton Motor als CleanTech Spezialist und Anbieter von Brennstoffzellen, USV- und Energiespeicherlösungen auf der Energy Storage Europe 2017. Die Messe rund um das Thema Energiespeicher wächst kontinuierlich und zieht jährlich rund 4.000 Besucher und 180 Aussteller an. Zusätzlich zum Austausch und der Präsentation der zukunftsweisenden Produkte bietet die Messe ein umfangreiches Vortrags- und Konferenzprogramm. Proton Motor präsentiert sich als Mitglied im Technologienetzwerk ENSTOR gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM und dem Netzwerkmanagement. Im Rahmen des Netzwerkes werden gemeinsame Lösungen im Bereich umweltfreundliche Energiespeicherung entwickelt und deren Marktreife vorangetrieben. Über einen Besuch in Halle 8B an Stand D31 freuen wir uns sehr! Erfahren Sie hier im persönlichen Gespräch alles über unsere Produkte und lernen Sie unser Brennstoffzellensystem PM Module S5 live kennen.

This is very encouraging to see. Hopefully cities like London will keep introducing green legislation like this.

On Monday the 23th of January we hosted the 37th FEE-event on Biogenic Gases & Fuel Cells and their applications in road, rail and shipping traffic at our company in Puchheim. Speakers were welcomed to contribute and share different presentations in the field of fuel cell technologies. Furthermore they were invited to a viewing of the production hall, test range and our different products and systems. The agenda and all presentations can be found here:…/biomethankuratorium/bmk-treffen/434

Tomorrow we're hosting an event about fuel cell technology, and how it can be used on road, rail, and sea. Manfred Limbrunner and Dr. Bela Peterson will be speaking on behalf of Proton Motor. Find the details here if you'd like to attend:

We're hosting an event about Biogenic Gases & Fuel Cells, and their uses on road, rail, and sea. Manfred Limbrunner and Dr. Bela Peterson will be speaking on behalf of Proton Motor. Take a look here to find out more:

In March, our CTO Manfred Limbrunner is speaking in Birmingham, UK, about bringing hydrogen fuel cells into the mainstream. Find out the details here:

Watch our new video to find out how we're using hydrogen to power the future, today:

On Monday 23rd January we're hosting an event about Biogenic Gases & Fuel Cells, and their uses on road, rail, and sea. Manfred Limbrunner and Dr. Bela Peterson will be speaking at the event, representing Proton Motor. Take a look here to find out more:

We must clean up our cities to maintain a good quality of life, and the demand for clean energy technologies to ensure long term public health and prosperity is growing.

Hydrogen fuel cells can help to cut the amount of oil and other fossil fuels used worldwide.

It may only be a week into 2017, but London has already breached its annual air pollution limit.
