Imprint available at/Impressum unter: http://www.eislab.net/impressum.html
The "Embedded Interactive Systems Laboratory" (EISLab, pronounciation: [aislæb]) is a virtual research and teaching unit.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kranz
Innstraße 43
94032 Passau The "Embedded Interactive Systems Laboratory" (EISLab, pronounciation: [aislæb]) is a virtual research and teaching unit. It consists of the staff of the "Lehrstuhl für Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Eingebettete Systeme" (Institute for Embedded Systems) at the "Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik" (Departmentof Informatics and Mathematics) of the Universität Passau (University of Passau) and the Ph.D. students of Prof. Kranz of the "Forschungsgruppe Verteilte Multimodale Informationsverarbeitung" (Distributed Multimodal Information Processing Group) at the Department for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Technische Universität München.
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facebook.comImpressions from this year's MakeMunich. It was an impressive experience to be there and present our SparkLaserCut and SmartFactory and some additional gadgets. Thanks to the entire team to make this possible.
As every year, we do offer a workshop on the Girls' Day. This year, the girls and us soldered and built their own embedded handheld gaming console. We prepared some "Sixty Four Pixels Kits" to solder and program, and handed them over in our traditional laser-cut welcome bag. It was again a great experience to work with the highly motivated girls. Thank you and looking forward to next year's Girls' Day.
Two new Job offerings at EISLab: http://www.uni-passau.de/fileadmin/dokumente/beschaeftigte/Stellenangebote/2017_05_AR_Prof_Kranz.pdf http://www.uni-passau.de/fileadmin/dokumente/beschaeftigte/Stellenangebote/2017_05_WM_Prof_Kranz.pdf
EISLab is proud to announce its this year attendance at the Make Munich (http://make-munich.de) on May 6+7 exhibiting possibilities of our FabLab (http://www.eislab.net/fablab.html#informationen) and the current research project SparkLaserCut: A Sketching Tool for Creating Rapid Prototypes using Laser Cutters. Looking forward to meet you there.
Opening at EISLab! 2 years funding for working on topics such as rapid prototyping, FabLab, and ideation for research and teaching! International applications are explicitly welcome. Contact me if you are interested. Wir freuen uns über die Förderung unseres Innovationslabors "TAKTICS for Digitalisation in Industry (Teaching Applied Knowledge Transfer in Innovative Courses and Scenarios)" durch das ZentrumDigitalisierung.Bayern. Wer sich für die Technologien bzw. Themen Rapid Prototyping, FabLab, IdeationLab und deren Umsetzung in Forschung und Lehre interessiert und dies gerne im Rahmen einer Anstellung als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in vertiefen möchte, kann mich gerne kontaktieren. Projektbeginn und Einstieg sind ab sofort möglich. (Matthias Kranz, http://www.eislab.net/team/matthias-kranz.html)
Andreas Reich, one of our HiWis, successfully defended his Bachelor-Thesis entitled "Energy Efficient Sensor Nodes based on Intel Edison for Industry 4.0". We are happy to have you on board!
Last week we had our first project meeting for "NA2STY - Networked appliances, applications and sensing systems for the smart city " in Cairo. Although it was a stressful trip we really enjoyed the productive meeting and seeing our last year bachelor alumni again.
Last week, Jens Grubert presented our joint paper "GlassHands: Interaction Around Unmodified Mobile Devices Using Sunglasses“ at the 2016 ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces and the workshop paper "Towards Interaction Around Unmodified Camera-equipped Mobile Devices“ at the adjunct 3rd Cross-Surface Workshop at Niagara Falls, Canada. You can find the papers and videos here: http://bit.ly/glasshands
Auch heuer beteiligte sich das EISLab wieder am Familientag der Universität Passau (http://www.uni-passau.de/familientag/). Aus digitalen Kartendaten, zum Beispiel von Google Maps, erstellten wir ein Modell der Verkehrswege der Stadt Passau. Dieses Modell übertrugen wir mit Hilfe eines Laser Cutters auf eine Holzplatte. Wir markierten ausgewählte Plätze in Passau und die Wege dahin mit kleinen Leuchten (LEDs). Auf Knopfdruck können wir dann einzelne Straßen und Plätze leuchten lassen. Die Teilnehmer konnten ihr individuelles Modell am Ende mit nach Hause nehmen. Wir hoffen die Teilnehmer hatten genause viel Spaß wie wir. Euer EISLab Team.
... and finally there is the new Masters Studies Mobile and Embedded Systems. Looking forward to motivated and enthusiastic students.
Felix Huppert, one of our HiWis presented the final results of his Bachelor thesis last Tuesday. Impressive work, very well done. We are happy to have you on board. Looking forward to you Master studies.
We congratulate Mr. Witzani to successfully defending his Master Thesis entitled "Texteingabe in der virtuellen Realität". Very well done.