Kokusai Butokukai
International Martial Arts Federation
Shorinji Ryu Karate Do | Okinawa Kobudo | Tai Chi
Founded by Hanshi Richard Kim (1917-2001) in 1976 What does Kokusai Butokukai mean?
Kokusai is the Japanese word for "international".
Butokukai is Japanese and means martial arts association. Bu (warrior, weapon), Toku (virtue, morals), Kai (association).
Where does the name "Butokukai" come from?
The name Butokukai dates back to the Dai Nippon Butokukai which was founded in 1895. Our grand master Hanshi Richard Kim became a member of the DNBK in 1939 (Kyoto, Japan). In 1945 the DNBK was banned by the allied forces. After the USA and Japan had signed the peace treaty the DNBK was revived as a private organization presided over by Ono Kumao. Being a close friend of Hanshi Ono Kumao, Hanshi Richard Kim was asked 1959 to found the DNBK outside Japan. Thus the Zen Bei Butoku Kai (Great American Martial Arts Association) was born in San Francisco the same year.
Growing international relations beyond the USA necessitated the foundation of the Butokukai International in 1976.
After 60 years grand master Richard Kim left the DNBK in 1999 due to association politics.
In 2006 Technical Directors Hanshi Jean Chalamon (Butokukai Europe) and Hanshi Rod Sanford (Zen Bei Butoku Kai) changed the name Butokukai International for Kokusai Butokukai. As a consequence, the emblem of the association was also changed to distinguish itself from the DNBK.
Who represents the Kokusai Butokukai?
Since 2006 the Kokusai Butokukai has been represented by the Butokukai Germany e.V. legally.
The technical directors take the sole charge of international technical representation as far as the purpose of the association is concerned:
Hanshi Jean Chalamon
Hanshi Rod Sanford
The coordination of international matters is the responsibility of the president of the association:
Kyoshi Louis Jemison
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Hello, you will find the provisional planning for this summercamp in Ambert below(subject to a sufficient number of students). Thank you to relay the information to your students and foreign clubs. I remind you that the deadline for registrations is 15/5 cutoff point. Best regards, Cécile, for the KKTC Mail: summercamp2016@butokukai.eu
New certified Black Belt by the Kokusai Butokukai: Brazier Brenda, 2. Dan Karate, Kobudo http://www.butokukai.info/certified.html
New certified Black Belts by the Kokusai Butokukai: Danny Wakefield, 6. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) Valerie Hart, 2. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) Kyra DeBiaso, 2. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) Warren Tamashiro, 2. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) Kay Gilles, 1. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) Vickie Assunto, 1. Dan Shorinji Ryu (Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi) http://www.butokukai.info/certified.html
Kyoshi Joe Founier, Technical Director of Canada, will be in Paris APKTK dojo to teach 4 classes of ju jitsu from 28 may to 3 june 2016. See dojo schedule training on http://apktk.free.fr/Horaires.html
Le CORAL - Communauté de communes du Pays d'Ambert
SUMMERCAMP 2016 with O´Sensei Jean Chalamon, Hanshi, 10. Dan Hello, You will find informations the documents related to our proposal internship for this summer: Location: Centre Omnisports Coral in Ambert (63) Date: Monday, 18/07 to Saturday, 23/07/2016 Cost: 250 € full board Wednesday of activity (not yet defined); 120 € course only; or 370 € for all. (Note: the price may be slightly bring change especially depending on the chosen activity) This price includes unlimited access to the Dojo (surface 300m2) and partial access to the gym to negotiate with the structure. We would like to know : - What teachers wish to run a workshop? - Estimated number of students in your interested clubs Based on your feedback, we can confirm whether or not the organization of the course. In the absence of a sufficient number of participants, it will be canceled. In advance thank you and goodbye. Anaïs DE WINTER President of the KKTC Please reply by end of April Mail: summercamp2016@butokukai.eu ++++++++ Camp d'été 2016 avec O'Sensei Jean CHALAMON, Hanshi, 10e Dan Bonjour, Vous trouverez en pièce jointe les documents relatifs à notre proposition de stage pour cet été : Lieu : Centre omnisports Le Coral à Ambert (63) Date : du lundi 18/07 au samedi 23/07 2016 Coût : 250 € pension complète + Activité du mercredi (pas encore définie) 120 € stage seul soit 370 € pour la totalité. (Nota bene : le prix pourra être amener à changer légèrement notamment en fonction de l'activité choisie) Ce prix comprend l'accès illimité au Dojo (300m2 de surface) et un accès partiel au gymnase à négocier avec la structure. Nous aimerions savoir : - Quels instructeurs souhaitent animer un atelier ? - Estimation du nombre d’élèves de vos clubs intéressés En fonction de vos retours, nous pourrons confirmer ou non l'organisation de ce stage. A défaut d'un nombre suffisant de participant, il sera annulé. D'avance merci et à bientôt. Anaïs DE WINTER Présidente du KKTC S'il vous plaît répondre à la fin de Mars. Mail: summercamp2016@butokukai.eu
BUTOKUKAI EUROPE | Shorinji Ryu | Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi
The Butokukai Europe was united with the Kokusai Butokukai. Butokukai Europe is no longer an independent association. He is the image of the European Division of Kokusai Butokukai. www.butokukai.eu
Photos from Kokusai Butokukai's post
HANSHI ROD SANFORD - 9th Dan I am proud to announce it to you that O´Sensei Jean Chalamon, spiritual head of the Kokusai Butokukai, honors Hanshi ROD SANFORD with the 9th Dan Shorinji Ryu. On behalf of the Board of the Kokusai Butokukai and all Kyoshi, Renshi, Sensei and students, I congratulate you for this honor. Kyoshi Stephan Peitz Secretary General Kokusai Butokukai
Butokukai Poland
KOKUSAI BUTOKUKAI - 2016 Butokukai Poland - welcome with 1 Dojo Branch Chief: Pawel Czarzasty, 1. Dan http://www.butokukai.info/butokukaipoland.html
Butokukai Europe
BUTOKUKAI EUROPE - 2016 we welcome 7 Federations President: Kyoshi Jean-Michel Argant, 7. Dan http://www.butokukai.info/butokukaieurope.html
Butokukai Spain
KOKUSAI BUTOKUKAI - 2016 Butokukai Spain - welcome with 1 Dojo Branch Chief: Renshi Jose Manuel Garcia Nieves, 4. Dan http://www.butokukai.info/butokukaispain.html
Butokukai France
KOKUSAI BUTOKUKAI - 2016 Butokukai France - welcome with 5 Dojo Branch Chief: Kyoshi Max Bouton, 7. Dan http://www.butokukai.info/butokukaifrance.html
KOKUSAI BUTOKUKAI | Shorinji Ryu | Karate, Kobudo, Tai Chi
KOKUSAI BUTOKUKAI - Official members of the year 2016 www.butokukai.info Butokukai North America: Butokukai Canada Zen Bei Butoku Kai Butokukai Europe: Butokukai Finland Butokukai France Butokukai Germany e.V. Butokukai Luxemburg Butokukai Poland Butokukai Scotland Butokukai Spain