Global Action Month 2014
Share impressions, reports, photos and videos on your activities during the Global Action Month (GAM) of the tdh Intl. Youth Network in November 2014! The “International Action Month for Children’s Rights” is organised every year in November by terre des hommes project partners from all over the world and terre des hommes groups in Germany.
The goal of the action is that children, young people and adults work together to develop activities related to children’s rights. They organize and realize their actions together to encourage the co-decision and expression of children and young people.
The actions are referred to the Children’s Rights Convention (CRC) of the UN. That way these children and young people decide their own topic among our projects. This year the focus is the 25th anniversary of the UN CRC. The slogan is: “Children have rights! – 25 years of promises! ACT NOW!”
Please register your actions in the virtual world map for us to have an overview of the activities in Germany and in the countries of our projects. Just click right at the top in the red field with the title “Place your action” and that’s all!
It would be great if you send us a report with pictures afterwards. Thank you very much and have fun carrying out your actions for the children rights!
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Join the Global Action Month of the international children's rights organization terre des hommes - the next one is in November 2016! Add your activity here:
Photos from Global Action Month's post
Many of you participated in our #Vote4GAM campaign and elected the slogan for Global Action Month 2016. Thank you! You made it an excitingly tight race, but in the end the following slogan won (34,3%): +++ Let's talk future - for ecological child rights! +++ +++ ¡Hablemos del futuro, por los derechos ecológicos del niño! +++ The GAM team of terre des hommes is proud to present our new logo with your favorite slogan in English and Spanish. Now it's your turn - go ahead and start planning your activities for Global Action Month in November 2016! :-D
Global Action Month's cover photo
Vote for your favorite GAM slogan here +++ Vota por tu eslogan favorito aquí
#Vote4GAM The countdown is on - only 3 more days are left for your vote! Choose your favorite slogan on ecological child rights for Global Action Month 2016 here:
Vote for your favorite slogan here +++ Vota por tu eslogan favorito aquí
To everyone interested in the Global Action Month 2016: It's your turn to vote! To find the slogan that fits best to ecological child rights, our global topic for GAM 2016, we have narrowed the pool of ideas from the last survey down to 3 slogans. Please tell us which one is your favorite - it's quick and easy to vote. Simply click here: +++ Para todos los interesados en el Global Action Month 2016: Es su turno para votar! Para encontrar el lema que mejor se adapte a los derechos ecológicos de l@s niñ@s, nuestro tema global para GAM 2016, hemos reducido el pool de las ideas de la última encuesta a 3 eslóganes. Por favor, díganos cuál es su favorito - es rápido y fácil de votar:
Global Action Month
Last chance to participate in the GAM survey! :-) By the way, the questionnaire is available in English, Spanish and German.
Share your ideas for our next Global Action Month!
Dear Friends, It's time to discuss which global child rights issues we want to focus on next in the International Youth Network of terre des hommes. You want to help us find global topics and creative slogans for our Global Action Month 2016 and 2017? Then go ahead, share your ideas and shape our next GAM! :-) Submit your ideas here: (online questionnaire in English and Spanish). Thank you! - - - Hola amig@s: ¡Discutamos los temas globales en la Red Internacional de Jóvenes de terre des hommes! ¿Quieres ayudarnos a encontrar los temas globales y eslóganes creativos para el Global Action Month de 2016 y 2017? ¡Entonces, envía tus ideas y da forma a nuestro próximo GAM! :-) Envía tus ideas aquí: (cuestionario online en inglés y español). ¡Muchas gracias!
Josias de Souza, a 16-year-old active member of the the terre des hommes project “Acão Educativo” was shot on February 20th by the Brazilian military police. terre des hommes wants to bring this case to court. Stop the criminalization of youth in Brazil! In the following you can find Josias’ obituary by our partner organization: Na Ação Death notice - Josias de Souza Ação Educativa condemns and bewails the death of Josias de Souza, a 16-year-old teenager that belonged to the project “Retain that idea: youth multiplicators for the right to security”. This platform operates in the Sapopemba region and engages with the topic of violence against youth as well as race and gender inequality in perspective of the human rights. Josias, who was fondly called “Chaverinho1” in the group, was murdered last Saturday night (20th February) by a military policeman, according to first information. We all know that he belongs to the group that is most frequently victim of violence in Brazil being black, poor, from the outskirts, male and being between 15 and 29 years old. What makes Josias death even more dramatic is that he actively participated in a project of which task was to search for solutions to the public security issue that can guarantee him and other youths the right to a worthy life. Acts like that form part of a process of systematic murders of young people under this profile and social movements denominate them as a black youth genocide. These actions increase the necessity to extend the investments and consolidate the implementation of public policies that can decompose a culture of general violence against the marginalized areas of big metropolis. We cannot keep silent in our mourning and outrage. We demand a rapid clarification by the Ministério Publico2 of São Paulo regarding the circumstances of the murder that robbed Josias from his friends and family. On behalf of the whole team of Ação Educativa, Vera Masagão Ribeiro Coordinator
Help us make Global Action Month even better! If you participated in GAM 2015, we would like to invite you to fill out an online questionnaire to share your experiences and opinions with us. (available in English y en español) Thank you!