e m s c h e r d a m m - Jugend- und Kulturzentrum, Oberhausen Holten.
In Trägerschaft der evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Könighshardt Schmachtendof
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facebook.comDemonstration: Für ein weltoffenes und solidarisches Duisburg!
...ich hoffe wir seh'n uns :)
Timeline Photos
Timeline Photos
Little dead boy jetzt gerade live auf unserer Bühne
Photos from Emscherdamm's post
Soundcheck abgeschlossen :)
Cowboys on Dope & The Porters beim Rattenpack ALBUM RELEASE Festival
...da bei uns Freitag ja nix ansteht, können wir Euch guten Gewissens eine Veranstaltung des Grammatikoffs ans Herz legen. Geht da hin, es ist sehr gut :)
Little & Friends mit little dead boy, the promise, Judith, Romeos Pride
... Wenn'e nix vorhast kommste vorbei
...das Ende naht
...und sonst so?
...Augen zu und Aluhut aufgesetzt
- MANUEL LOPEZ GONZALES - •in memory of our youth heroes and role models which for us biking and sports have always inspired. R . I . P Dave Mirra #ripdavemirra #davemirra #mirraco #bmxer #davemirra #110 #gtownbmx #420 #bmx #bmxday #legend #ridebmx #skatepark #scooterkid #instabmx #bmxstreet #bmxkings #bmxordie #bmx4life #bmxpark #oberhausen #ruhrpott #bmxlife #bicycle #freestyle #instalike #park

- NIKITA VALENTIN DÖRR -•ABOUT HIMSELF For me, BMX has been going long no longer as a hobby. If you had a stressful day at work Just sit on your child's bicycle and meet you with us in your small skate park at your doorstep. And the world is rosy, with relief, suddenly everything is alright. ➖BEST TRICK! My Backflip!, its a truly simple trick. If you are brave and You have enough eggs. It works. Of course I like the 360% & Superman Seedgrap too. ➖YOUR RISK ? some risk is always there, the older you get the more you will be that clear. As a little child it wasn't interesting for us actually I fall out a two week from work. That's something else. ➖LUCKY CHARM / RITUALS Lauthing ... good luck charm I doesn't need something else, but I am drinking neat Beer at matchday. This is almost a tradition. ➖AND OTHERWISE ? Together with the AJA Dinslaken we can raise a few BMX Jam's, otherwise I play also gladly times the moderator. ➖FOR WHAT? Before our youth goes completely drain because...

One more from @marvinhessler 📷🙏🏾 big thanks 😊👊🏾 #bmx #session #shot #footjam #love #bmxlife #amazing #shot #photo #photographer #marvinhessler #photooftheday #poolsession #friends #ride #bikes #goodtimes #ruhrpott #pottlife #flybikes #fuegoframe #vans #stancesocks #lifestyle #instagood #chillsnotskills

- MANUEL LOPEZ GONZALES -#TURBOGUN #newbmx #hipster #bmx #bmxpark #newbiker #fitness #newbike #today #boy #chill #pottlife #nopegsnoparty #marvinhessler

Prost Leute...alles senkrecht? Mit einer mega Portion Style shreddern Nikita und Manuel Lopez Gonzales durch die Bowl am Jugendhaus Holten. Zusammen mit Cube Energy haben wir die Jungs auf ihrem Epischen Trip begleitet & geschaut was sich mit einem 20-Zoll Bikes so alles anstellen lässt #bmxer #park #riderschannel #BIkeLifeculture #marvinhessler #boy #picoftheday#federal #bmxporn #pool #newbike #higllife #fisheye #united #oberhausen @nikita_valentin @quintinco @cubeenergydrinks @riderschannel

- LARS KERKENBUSCH - Footjam! #bmxer #park #marvinhessler #bmxporn #highlife #bmxallday #newbike #parano #subrosa #bmxlife #federalbmx #boy #park #pool #photoshooting #picoftheday
