SCHWING Technologies is the only manufacturer worldwide who offers all advanced thermal cleaning technologies for the removal of polymers and organic contaminations. With over 40 years experience in the international systems business SCHWING is now a leading design engineer, manufacturer and operator of high-temperature systems for the (thermal) cleaning of metal parts and tools, thermo-chemical gas-solids reactions in variable atmospheres up to 1100 °C, especially efficient heat treatment of metals and calibration of temperature sensors and thermal instruments.
We are glad to respond to your questions and suggestions any time by e-mail or by phone during our business hours by calling
+49 2845 930-0.
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facebook.comWe have updated the #VACUCLEAN for Windmöller & Hölscher, one of the world’s leading suppliers of flexible packaging solutions. 🆙 ✅ 💪 W&H uses our vacuum pyrolysis system for cleaning blown film die heads at their headquarter in Lengerich, Germany. Learn more:
Wir bedanken uns bei RP ONLINE für diesen tollen Artikel. :-) Es geht um unsere Kooperation mit der Hochschule Niederrhein.
Visit us at Indo Intertex in Jakarta, Indonesia from April 4th through April 7th. #INDOINTERTEX is one of the most influential shows specialized in textile industry and textile products in South East Asia. In 2018, the show returns with a more powerful, international platform for the textiles and garments machinery. As a leading manufacturer in the international equipment business, SCHWING will be present at this year’s show. We look forward to meeting you. All trade show dates:
The historical monastery of Kamp-Lintfort is a small baroque jewel on the Lower Rhine. It also happens to be our sales expert Virgilio Perez Guembe’s favorite place. 💚 He says, "The Zentrum Kloster Kamp has a beautiful and baroque styled garden that looks like a total work of art. With its symmetrical architecture, its stairs, pathways, flower beds, figures and water fountains provide a wonderful picture and a perfect photo opportunity. A visit is always worthwhile."
Die NRZ berichtet über unsere Kooperation mit der Hochschule Niederrhein.
Kooperation mit der Hochschule Niederrhein: Wie kann ein modulares System für unsere thermische Reinigungsanlage #MAXICLEAN aussehen? Dieser Frage gehen aktuell drei Maschinenbau-Studierende auf den Grund. Berichte zu unserer Kooperation mit der Hochschule finden Sie in Kürze in NRZ und Rheinische Post, die uns dazu in der vergangenen Woche besucht haben. Eng betreut wird die Studentengruppe von Projektmanager Alexander Endemann und Axel Sokol, Technischer Leiter bei SCHWING. Wir freuen uns sehr über die Kooperation mit der Hochschule und sind gespannt auf die Ergebnisse der Projektarbeit. Weitere Informationen zu unserer Pyrolyseanlage MAXICLEAN:
Metal filters ensure the highest quality standards in polymer production. Although parts in the past have been replaced or exchanged on a regular basis, there is now an economically and ecologically motivated trend towards cleaning and re-use. Depending on customers’ requirements, we can set up individualized, targeted cleaning shops with a wide range of cleaning and post-treatment equipment. A tailor-made data sheet documents the entire process and offers reliable workflow support for customers. Learn more about our cleaning shops:
Our #INNOVACLEAN 3648 is being prepared for its journey to Indonesia. To protect our cleaning system for transport, air is extracted from the aluminum packaging foil and a desiccant is added to prevent the formation of moisture and condensate. This process ensures INNOVACLEAN 3648 will be well-protected on its transport route overseas. Learn more about INNOVACLEAN:
PlastIndia is in full swing. Visit us in hall 8, booth E37. Our experts Andreas Guderjahn and Sunil Chalishajar are looking forward to meeting you. ▶ Meet SCHWING at Plastindia 2018
The final preparations are in progress. Meet our experts at PlastIndia and have a look at our range of thermal cleaning services. ▶ Meet SCHWING at Plastindia 2018
La revista colombiana Tecnología del Plástico informa sobre nuestros sistemas de limpieza ecológicos.
Our #VACUCLEAN 354 HT hits the road. 🚛 At the moment, it is in our production hall in Neukirchen-Vluyn, but it will soon be heading towards Slovenia, where it will be installed. The cleaning system will be used in the high temperature range of up to 650 degrees Celsius. Learn more about our vacuum pyrolysis cleaning system VACUCLEAN ▶ #thermalcleaning #plastic #polymer