IBG Goeke Technology Group
The IBG / Goeke Technology Group is an innovative technology development partner in automation and production processes in various segments of the industry The IBG / Goeke Technology Group is an innovative technology development partner in automation and production processes in various segments of the industry. With over 250 employees at the sites in Germany, other European countries, Asia and the USA, and several decades of successful work, the group engineers, manufactures and commissions customer specific production systems. The focus lies on innovative robotic and automation systems for assembly and testing tasks.
The applications developed by IBG are used in a vast majority of industries: automotive, pharmacy, chemistry, nutrition, aerospace, electronics, energy, consumer goods, furniture, telecommunications and numerous other areas.
The service package ranges from development, design, engineering and prototype manufacture to the delivery of turnkey systems.
The large number of joint projects with technical colleges and universities reflect Goeke Technology Group’s strong focus on research and innovation.
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Photos from IBG Goeke Technology Group's post
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