Dienstleistungen rund ums Pferd. Beritt, Unterricht, Kurse, Zucht, Aufzucht.
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Trainingstag Langenau
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Our broodmare "Skippin in the pines" enjoying the Sun. Weather is Finally going back to normal After days of weird and freezing cold Snow Storm.
Trainingstag in Langenau
Photos from Allaround with pleasure's post
Kindergarten, aufgepasst: einmal der Größe nach aufstellen bitte...!
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So, unsere aufzuchtsherde ist num komplett. Danke an Michelle Klimek für ihr vertrauen. Der kleine Jake fühlt sich schon wohl...
Merry Christmas fo all our friends and clients...!!! We wish everybody peaceful and nice holidays and a healthy and happy new year!
"The Rodderist"
"The Rodderist" is FOR SALE! Painthorse Hengstfohlen vom Mai 2016 "FSF The Zipmotist" x "Sheza Special Rodder" PHCG Prämienfohlen PHCG Futurity eligible EWU Jungpferdeprogramm paid in Big stridet mover, has a natural lead change. Very very friendly horse. Not scared of anything. When he knows you, he will follow everywhere.
"Notice This Touch"
"Notice This Touch" is FOR SALE! Quarterhorse Stutfohlen vom Mai 2016 "A touch of Sudden" x "CT Notice my Charm" by "My Final Notice" 5 panel n/n DQHA Futurity eligible EWU Jungpferdeprogramm paid in Extrem cool Charackter, very laid back, great pleasure mover with a always perfect topline, even if she jogs and lopes around in the pasture.
Looking at some nice Horses in belgium.....i keep you updated...!
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Gratulation an Anja Nitsch und Hints Lenny Rooder zu den zwei Pferdemedaillen der EWU. Diesen haben Anja und ich gemeinsam in zwei Turniersaisonen erritten.