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#HARKEAcademy Do you also believe that sharing knowledge is the basis for a trustful partnership? Our #Pharma team has started an initiative to bring #formulation and #excipients knowledge to everyone. If you are in your living room, on your dining table or in your office – our technical experts are available, everywhere and every time. Check out our #CPhI profile https://www.cphi-online.com/harke-pharma-gmbh-comp245296.html on the currently available contents. All videos are free of charge, just sign up. For feedback, questions and samples, connect to one of our representatives at #CPhI Festival of Pharma or send a message to pharma@harke.com. #Festivalpharma #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEPharma #HARKENutraceuticals The virtual doors to #CPhI Festival of Pharma have opened. Are you looking for innovative raw materials, full supply chain security or support with your #formulation challenges? Our team is available to understand your individual targets and develop solutions with you. Connect with us to take advantage from more than 40 years experience in functional pharmaceutical #excipients. #Festivalpharma #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEPharma #HARKENutraceuticals The countdown has started. Are you also as curious as we are about the first virtual edition of the biggest pharmaceutical exhibition? Next Monday #CPhI Festival of Pharma will start. Have you checked our profile already? https://www.cphi-online.com/46/company/24/52/96/exhibitor245296-290.html To obtain your free of charge visitor ticket, please send a message to pharma@harke.com #Festivalpharma #Excipients #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEPharma #Chemlink Are you confronted with sticking, picking and anti-cappping problems during your tableting process? Then sign up today for the web-seminar where Shilpa Mistry will discuss how to overcome these challenges. We look forward to your participation! #Excipients
Photos from HARKE GROUP's post
A big #ThankYou to all helpers of the HARKE GROUP! 💙 #HARKEGROUP in Mülheim an der Ruhr organized an internal Clean Up Event on 23.09.2020. During their lunch break, 20 employees cleared the entire Harke area, adjacent streets, as well as the directly adjacent Ruhrradschnellweg from garbage. 🌳 Within 30 minutes 15kg of waste were collected. 🗑 Already this Wednesday on 30.09.2020 it goes into the second round. Everyone can do something, have you already done something for the environment today? 🌍💚💙 #HARKEGROUP #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #Environment #CleanUp
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#HARKEPharma #HARKENutraceuticals Our team is proud to announce our participation to the first virtual edition of #CPhI Festival of Pharma. We look forward to learning about your latest challenges and success stories. Connect with us to discuss how the #Pharma industry will shape after this pandemic. Our virtual booth is ready to inspire you with solutions for your future needs, have a look: https://www.cphi-online.com/46/company/24/52/96/exhibitor245296-290.html To obtain your free of charge visitor ticket, please send a message to pharma@harke.com #Festivalpharma #Excipients #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEPharma Are you looking to learn more about pharmaceutical #formulation whilst working from home? Last week was exciting for our #Pharma team. We hosted our first online seminar about “How to overcome the challenges in the formulation of ODT”. The online seminar was a successful and we would like to thank everyone who attended the live session for their trust in us and the feedback shared after the seminar. If you did not have the chance to attend and are interested to learn about #ODT and suitable #excipients, we offer you the possibility to watch the online seminar as on-demand version. Sign up for free using this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7576919754671335692 #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEGROUP 21st September - A day that is all about being thankful. There are so many different ways to say thank you. Did you know that it is actually good for your own health to say thank you? Being thankful results in a whole host of emotional and physical benefits. We would like to thank every single member of our great HARKE-Team! Have you already said thank you today? #Thankyou #Thankful #Team #GratitudeDay #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
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#HARKEGROUP Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Läuferinnen und Läufer, Sponsoren und Helfern die den diesjährigen Mülheimer Firmenlauf möglich gemacht haben. Es war uns wie immer eine große Freude! #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #OneTeam #Sport #Mülheim #Firmenlauf #WeDidIt
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#HARKEPharma We have a new opportunity to become part of the HARKE GROUP team as a Sales Manager. As an international family business HARKE GROUP offers you the possibility to bring in your skills and knowledge successfully. Start with us into a new career chapter and send your application to career@harke.com today. We are looking forward to you! Find more information at www.harke.com/career. #hiring #jobs #staff #career #food #pharma
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#HARKEItalia Unfortunately In-Vitality, a leading exhibition for #Nutraceuticals, will not take place live this year. To remain however updated on the latest trends and possibilities in the market, read the special edition of magazine “L’Integratore Nutrizionale”. We are proud to be featured in this magazine and at your disposal for new #formulation ideas or raw material demands. #HARKEItalia Purtroppo In-Vitality, fiera leader nel settore #Nutraceuticals, quest'anno non avrà luogo dal vivo. Per rimanere comunque aggiornati sulle ultime tendenze e possibilità del mercato, consigliamo di leggere il supplemento alla rivista “L'Integratore Nutrizionale”. Siamo orgogliosi di essere presenti in questa rivista e a vostra disposizione per nuove idee di #formulazione o richieste di materie prime. https://www.ceceditore.com/anteprima-making-2019/#fb0=25 #Excipients #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets
Disintegration property of ODTs with co-processed excipients
#HARKEPharma Great news - our first article has been published on the EPR website. You want to know more about the disintegration mechanisms of #ODT? Follow this link for further details: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/whitepaper/125290/application-note-disintegration-property-of-odts-with-co-processed-excipients/. Our team is at your disposal for feedback and further discussions. #Formulation #Excipients #OnePartnerOneResponsibility #TheRightChemistry #WeConnectWorldMarkets