Divi Blasii
Divi Blasii is a church in Mühlhausen, Thuringia. With the Marienkirche, it is one of the two principal churches of the city.Teutonic Knights founded the church in the Middle Ages. It was named after Saint Blaise, and is also known as St Blasius or St. Blasius's. Since the Reformation it is mostly known as Divi-Blasii (Latin for "of Blaise the Divine") or Blasius Church.It is a hall church with nave and side aisles of approximately equal height. The Gothic architecture of the church is said to have been an influence on the design of Brooklyn Bridge by John A. Roebling who grew up in Mühlhausen.OrganJohann Sebastian Bach was organist of the church in 1707/8. Although he did not stay in the city long, the authorities recognised his musical abilities, and made him the consultant for rebuilding the organ. This involved replacing an old two manual instrument.Bach's specifications for the new organ have survived: he required three manuals, pedals, and 37 stops. The project was undertaken by the respected local organ builder Johann Friedrich Wender. Wender's previous work included a two manual instrument at the New Church in Arnstadt