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facebook.comWir starten...... Advent 2017.... für alle die die ersten Impressionen erleben und sich inspirieren lassen möchten für ihre eigene, ganz persönliche Adventszeit... hier die Termine unserer Seminare: Koblenz 6.9., Straßburg 11.9., Mainz u. Berlin 27.9., Stuttgart 12.10. mehr Informationen wieder unter
2 spannende Tage in Berlin mit einem großartigen Finale.... einen ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Referentin Dominique Ostheeren zum Gewinn der Silbernen Rose, Landesmeisterschaft Berlin- Brandenburg. After 2 preparations days finally a great success for our teacher Dominique Ostheeren who won the Silberne Rose competition Berlin, congratulations
Some impressions of the last week in Beijing, topic of the seminar, handmade containers and bouquet construction .... like every time, high motivated students and wonderful examples, in an extraordinary working place
Some impressions from my visit at Tendence Frankfurt, Lehner Wolle congress. A great atmosphere with gorgeous arrangements, inspirational to see what you can make with such products in combination with flowers and plants, congratulations Felicitas Lehner who organized this extraordinarily event, and of course proud to see the arrangements of our teacher Laurence Hanauer-Bayha.
Ein ,must have, in diesem Jahr, der Besuch des Lehner Wolle Kongress auf der Tendence in Frankfurt. Eine wunderbare Gelegenheit die Vielfältigkeit internationaler Kollegen zu erleben. A , must have, this year. Lehner Wolle Congress at Tendence, Frankfurt. A great opportunity to meet a lot of international colleagues who shows theirs unique design.
It's done 👍The second day with Max van de Sluis in Strasbourg, CFA d' Eschau, was a beautiful day. Many thanks to all of the students, specially on Micky coming from the USA and Maximilian (good luck for Abu Dhabi, Worldskills). It was 👍
Some impressions of the first day, concentration pure, nice bouquets and great colleagues, and the working place perfect as well.
Today we start our seminar with Max van de Sluis in Straßburg, looking forward what happens. Many thanks to Piet van Kampen, G fresh, who delivered the beautiful flowers.
Diese Woche hat das Hochzeitsseminnar in Koblenz, stattgefunden. Danke an alle motivierte Teilnehmer :-). Ganz herzliches Dankeschön an Anka Schüller, Jan Käs und alle Mitarbeiter vom Gärtnereinkauf eG Koblenz, es war schön bei euch ;-)
What a great time we had, and what a pleasure to work with such great colleagues from Italy and Germany. How much fun we had while we worked and the result was great as well.
Am Donnerstag findet das Hochzeitsseminar statt, in Koblenz, mit Laurence Hanauer-Bayha, Gärtnereinkauf eG Koblenz. Ich freue mich schon darauf.... :-)
The first day.... basic preparations..... happy, it dries really quick because the outside temperature is incredible :-))