www.hcam.de www.hartblei.de photography pro gear The new Hartblei/HCam is the Hightech-Fusion of Joint ventures in Munich-Kiev-Venice-Hamburg. We manufacture innovative high-quality cameras, lenses, accessories for professional photographers and sell through our dealers and directly on this web site.
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If the rumors fo a 72 Mpix Sony A9 are right - I´d say: no problem - the lenses are here. OTUS f1,4/28mm
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Ich freue mich auf den 10.06. wo ich beim PIC Workshop in München/Puchheim um 14:30 -16.30 Uhr im Interview mit Manfred Dilling Themen über die mögliche Zukunft der Fotografie erläutern werde. http://www.pic-verband.de/de/Workshops/2.-Workshop-10.-11.-Juni-2016-in-Muenchen
EXCLUSIVE: Watch Lytro Change Cinematography Forever
We are on the verge of a new time for imaging. What Lytro has just shown is no less than a complete paradigm shift. It will change any aspect of this industry ....and I mean ANY ! Please watch the video, it´s long but then you will understand. http://nofilmschool.com/2016/04/lytro-cinema-camera-cinematography-demo
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Die neue digit! Heft 2-2016 ist erhältlich. Mit meinen Artikeln über die Leica SL und der Kolumne über Sensortechnik und ihre Auswirkungen. https://www.facebook.com/digit.profimagazin http://www.digit.de/images/2016/01/Inhalt_1-2016.pdf
Thibault Roland Fine Art Photography
What a nice present - The whole Nik Collection as a free download ! https://www.google.com/nikcollection/
Finally there are the first samples of the new K1 by Pentax -one with 4 shot. (sample 5 see link) Pentax uses the additional file info of the four shots not for a bigger image but for full 4 color , non interpolated data. http://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/products/k-1/ex/ Amazing. Can you imagine what would happen with a 4,8,16 shot with the A7R2 chip and even larger resolutions ? OK - if you are as curious as I am, do the following: download the files and scale them up 200%, then do an unsharp mask with default settings (Photoshop CC2015) 100%/rad.1/3. then go to 100 % view and scroll around the image. Image left oneshot-right 4shot. the resolution is visibly at least double or as the numbers say 14720x9824pix. the file is 413,7 Mbyte or 137,9 Mpix.......... And that quality on the sample is from a compressed JPG with under 20 Mpix. Can you imagine what the image from the Rawfile will look like ? Now the genius in doing it the way Pentax did this, is the filesize is not significantly bigger than a normal oneshot image. Storage, speed and handling are thus the same as oneshot. But if needed you can scale this beyond imagination..... here is another cutout - fabric also at 100 % ..... and that was not shot with an Otus....... just a Zoom HD PENTAX-D FA 28-105mmF3.5-5.6ED DC WR
Photos from HCam.de's post
Here is the latest HCam Master TS V2 Nikon and Canon Pricelist - also to be found on the website at www.hcam.de now.
HCam Master TS V2 with Canon 16-35mm and TS Rail/Crossrail
Carl Zeiss Lenses
Thanks Thibault - very nice article !
d i g i t !
Die Neue digit! 01/2016 ist da - mit meinen Artikeln Kolumne - Zukunftsaussichten - VR und 3D Fotografie DJI-Osmo Handgimbal Test Gimbals - Marktübersicht
Special K? Pentax K-1 First Impressions Review
New Pentax K1 has Multishot sensorshift (4x36Mpix for full RGB Pixel) I am very sure we will see a Sony "A9R" with this too. It is just logical and doesn´t take much effort, is cost efficient, limits filesizes for moving subjects and allows large files when static images are needed. Actually according to the terminology of Hasselblad and Sinar the K1 is a 144Mpix camera, around half of the size and weight of a Phase XF with lens and 100 Mpix, faster , cheaper (much 1799 $....!!! ) and with better features.... and much more available and affordable lenses. And nobody could say, why there shall be only 4 shots. 8/16/32 anyone ? Just a software update. Bitter for MF, but to be expected. Greetings from Lindenberg Stefan http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/pentax-k-1
LensRentals.com - Optical Quality Assurance
If you ever wondered what it takes to make good lenses - read Roger Cicala´s article here. We at Hartblei/HCam have gone through all this and I can assure you, it is a very accurate article. http://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2016/02/optical-quality-assurance