KRANUNION. XL ENGINEERING. KRANUNION is an association of three crane manufacturers specialised in lifting and transporting heavy loads.
KIROW is the world market leader for railway cranes and slag pot carriers.
ARDELT is the world market leader for double jib level luffing cranes.
KOCKS is the world market leader for Goliath cranes and innovator for STS container cranes.
KRANUNION companies are driven by the great German engineering tradition. All of their products are centred around ingenious technical concepts that are perfectly suited for the task at hand.
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facebook.comWe wish you all and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
THE NEXT PLEASE Last week was a busy week. The TRACKLAYER TL 1200 for the company JOSE COGHE - WERBROUCK NV in Belgium made its way west. Our thanks to the careful truck driver, who brought the machine safely and on time to its destination.
READY TO GO Gleisbau Sabrodt - branch of Hering Asset Management GmbH & Co KG - is now possesor of a new Multi Tasker KRC 910 If you are travelling by train through the beautiful Eastern part of Germany you should look out for the brand new KIROW KRC 910 railway crane doing its first great job on the tracks.
What a view! #SPHERE #Niemeyer Photo: twenty4pictures
Our project SPHERE is in full swing... #SPHERE #Niemeyer
#ViaOeconomica LVZ Leipziger Volkszeitung, 25.10.2017
Good morning! Work is progressing very well...
Kirow was honored with the first time awarded Business Prize #ViaOeconomica in the Old Town Hall of Leipzig last night. Congratulation!
Successful EXPO 1520 in Moscow! We were very pleased to welcome Sergey Kobzev, senior vice president - chief engineer of the Russian Railways, at our booth.
Quarter final... Firmen Drachenboot Cup WE DID IT! :) BBG Amazone Werk Leipzig vs. Kirow KranRiesen
Second race... Firmen Drachenboot Cup Caralux vs. Kirow KranRiesen