Deck cadets for the EMSSTROM project are recruited at the college level of different maritime institutions in the various regions of the Philippines. Deck Cadets
Since 1998 the GGT MS "Emsstrom" mbH has been successfully conducting a training program for Deckcadets. The objective of this training program is to furnish the prospective officer with practical and theoretical training in a northern European environment prior to their assignments on board new and modern vessels. All candidates must satisfy the entry requirements for their national license examination.
Before acceptance, they pass a rigorous selection procedure which includes a personal interview as well as written and computer tests.
The program is divided into 3 blocks of one year each.
Each block consists of:
3 months theoretical and practical training on the MV "Emsstrom"
7 months training on board a commercial vessel
2 months vacation which includes additional training courses in cadet's home country
This system ensures that the cadets receive effective training that satifies the requirements on modern vessels.
The training progress is recorded in Project Workbooks, Daily Training Record books, and Training Record Book. The records are an effective tool for the ship's command, instructors and training supervisors to monitor the progress effectively. After completion of the program the cadets apply for licensing exams in their home country.
1st Year of Training
An introduction is given to the Deckcadets outlining the program and the work routines on board the MV "Emsstrom". During the first period, emphasis is on theoretical and practical lectures on safe working practices and safety training. In preparation for their first shipboard assignment, cadets are given lectures in seamanship, watch keeping at sea and in port, mooring and unmooring procedures, knots, bends, and splicing. Vessel maintenance, cleaning and house keeping are an intrinsic part of the daily routine. Refresher courses in mathematics, physics and geography are given to prepare the cadets for future study programs.
Shipboard assignment
The first board assignment will introduce the cadets to the practical aspects of daily routines on a vessel. They will be integrated into the ship's crew and carry out all deck hand / engine duties required by the operation and maintenance schedule of the vessel taking into account the cadets' experience and basic training aboard the MV Emsstrom.
The command of the vessel will monitor the cadets' progress by regulary checking the entries in the Training Record Books and other documentations.
Home leave period
A two month break in their home country will allow trainees to attend pre-arranged and scheduled courses.
2nd Year of Training
During this period, training will concentrate on theoretical instruction in navigation, seamanship, meteorology and cargo care. Practical work will continue on ship maintenance.
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Franc kelan training mu? Lhat na sila nksampa tyu nkng ulit naiwan..Haha.Jeriā”franc.