this is a page for Studio laborgras and laborgras where you can get info about upcoming projects and performances as well as Open Classes & Workshops. The LaborGras dance collective was founded in Hamburg in summer 1994 by dancer/choreographers Renate Graziadei (Austria) and Arthur Stäldi (Switzerland). In autumn 2000 it relocated to Berlin.
LaborGras was conceived and continues to work as a laboratory for dance. One of its primary motives is to investigate dance as an independent art form and language, continually questioning and further developing the state of contemporary dance.
This is done in exchange with dancers, choreographers and practitioners of other artistic disciplines.
Alongside its artistic work, LaborGras has operated a studio in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district since autumn 2002. The studio is a place for contemporary dance orientated to ideas of the postmodern study of movement.
The life of the collective is focused on the studio stage, which is used as a research, exchange and performance centre.
The work of LaborGras has been recognised nationally and internationally. In ballettanz magazine’s annual critics’ survey of 2000, the collective garnered the honour of “Innovative Dance Production” for temporary stories. LaborGras was among 250 European companies selected to take part in the Resolution! Aerowaves Festival in London in spring 2001.
In 2002 LaborGras and David Hernandez were invited to Deutsche Tanzplattform in Leipzig to stage the piece Quartett (from temporary stories).
In June 2004 the collective received the Essenbased Kurt Jooss Prize for the solo “Story – No Story.” Since its premiere, the 2006 production “I, myself and me again” has been presented at numerous international festivals.
The productions of LaborGras are supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the Fonds Darstellende Künste and the Kulturverwaltung des Landes Berlin. Studio LaborGras receives funding from Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.
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