Monday Funday
EZA Platform for Young Workers. The European Platform for Young Workers (PYW) was established to strengthen the voice of young workers within the EZA network. “Together we can!” is the platform’s watchword. Together, young people are stronger and can do more. The PYW brings this into practice by making young workers more visible in the EZA network by increasing the number of young participants and speakers in EZA seminars. During its meetings, the Platform provides young people with the opportunity to exchange ideas, best practices, knowledge, projects ideas and inspiration for their professional life.
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facebook.comEZA: EZA Contributions to social dialogue 25 published: “New Challenges in Promoting Health and Safety at Work”
Good morning! Here you can download the final document - EZA Contributions to social dialogue 25 published: “New Challenges in Promoting Health and Safety at Work” The brochure is published in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Lithuanian and Hungarian, author is António Brandão Guedes.
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Sunday mode on, enjoy it 😀😎

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Happy weekend full of positive attitude!

Symposium: 'Youth Policy Responses to the Contemporary Challenges Faced by Young People’ It will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 12 to 14 of June Apply by 2 April 2017, 23:59 CET! #youth #europe
EZA: EZA training programme 2017 appearing
Follow this link to download the 2017 educational programme of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA). This year the program will be comprised of the issues “Digital World of Work”, “European Pillar of Social Rights” and “Integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market”. Other topics include “Youth and labour market”, “Posting of workers: New forms of work and combating social dumping”, “Including the unemployed, long-time unemployed and sick and disabled workers”, “Workplace conditions”, “Strengthening social dialogue structures” and “Healthy workplaces - for all ages”. The kickoff begins with a seminar on the subject of “Cross-border work: the effects of free movement of workers in the EU“, which takes place from the 26-28th April in Dubrovnik/Croatia. It is organised by CNV (Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond).
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Believe in yourself! ... And believe that weekend is almost here :)

In order to know the best practises on the connection between the employees and the job market, our EZA PYW Core Group member Mariana Lemos Martins is attending the "Spring school of the Reseau international des cités des métiers" The International Network of Cité de métiers helds every year an event gathering all teams of Cités des métiers. The purpose is to share good practices and improveing skills of professionals working in Cités des métiers. It is also the opportunity to better well known activities that have been implemented. #cidadedasprofissoes #porto #springschool
United Nations Youth
Get involved!

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Happy sunday! And dont forget today you will have one 🕐hour more of Sun 🌞

European Commission
Good morning! 😉 Are you thinking about working abroad?
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Happy weekend! Enjoy it and restore your sleep :)
