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facebook.comIndian Photo Festival - Hyderabad
Kurdish-Iranian Jwan music band to perform in Germany
Labour friends of Kurdistan
Kurdistan24 English
Kurdish farmers protest in Iraqi Kurdistan against imported products
JINHA Women's News Agency
Timeline Photos
Mavi Kalem Derneği / Mavi Kalem Social Assistance & Charity Association
Naher Osten – Warum ein Kurdenstaat nicht wahrscheinlich ist
Kobane Reconstruction Board - Kordînesiyona Nû Avakirina Kobanê
Medizinische Unterstützung für Kobane/ Medical Support for Kobane -
The humanitarian embargo on Rojava, north Syria continues, leading to an extreme shortage of basic supplies and materials. Since the efforts to liberate Manbij, and the flow of thousands of internally displaced people into Kobane, Efrin and Cezire canton a crises in medical supplies has resulted. As Manbij is left with thousands of unexploded bombs, mines and booby traps the city remains uninhabitable which means that thousands will continue to be internally displaced and the already over stretched autonomous cantons are left with supporting the traumatised community. But the flow of people to the safe zones has meant that basic medicines like vaccines, antibiotics, painkillers among other urgent and life saving medicines are in short supply. 1000s of children are going without vaccination, resulting in the tragic return of easily preventable childhood diseases like Polio, measles and Hep B. The Dr.s in Kobane's Emal hospital have less than two weeks of medicine left before they are forced to close down. This means that thousands will miss out on basic health care, and many will die from easily preventable diseases and injuries. The organisation "AK Solarenergie für Rojava" has started a crowdfunding campaign to collect medicine for the hospital. The target is set at 20,000 Euros which is a reasonable amount to achieve within the 30 day period. Please donate whatever you can, with the lowest amount being 5 Euros; if you cannot donate please share this campaign widely so that we can increase exposure rate and help the organisation to reach its target. Every donation helps. This is literally saving lives.